Healthy Diet To Lose Weight If You Are Diabetic

People with diabetes need to watch their diet in more detail. Therefore, we have developed a plan for each meal of the day, a diet based on healthy foods so that you can lose weight if you are diabetic.

In this way, the risks of suffering from an irregularity in the blood sugar level will be reduced.

It must be made clear that, when it comes to following a diet to lose weight, each person has different nutritional needs. In the case of diabetics, the same thing happens, the diet must be adjusted to each case.

The keys to a healthy diet

In the first place, a healthy diet consists of eating in a balanced, varied and sufficient way, in such a way that the  risk of diseases is reduced, while we receive the necessary nutrients for the proper functioning of the body.

Therefore, a healthy diet is one that includes a wide variety of foods, for example: vegetables, whole grains, fruit, non-fat dairy products, lean meats, white and blue fish, etc.

Healthy diet for people with diabetes.

Therefore, the goal is to follow a healthy diet that includes foods from all groups, in an appropriate proportion throughout the day.

In addition, it is important to ensure that the selections from each food group offer the highest quality of nutrients that can be found. In other words, we should choose foods rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber over processed ones.

In general, people with diabetes can eat the same as the rest of the family. However, it is important to take time to plan your meals as it helps control your blood sugar level and weight. In this way, you can lose weight, if you are diabetic, safely.

What diet should I follow to lose weight if I am diabetic?

Losing weight in diabetic people.

If you want to lose weight and you are diabetic, take care of your diet and exercise, these are concepts that work for everyone, as long as you follow the advice of a professional.

In these cases, it is necessary to lose weight with a special diet for diabetics, since obesity is a risk factor for hypertension and cardiovascular problems.

Previously, we have commented that people with diabetes should take special care of their diet, an issue that is accentuated in the case of being overweight. Obesity can condition the management of the glucose curve in addition to increasing insulin resistance, according to an article published in the journal Current Opinion in Endocrinology, Diabetes and Obesity.

Diet menu options for weight loss if you are diabetic

Next, we show you  different options to combine in each of the six meal intakes of the day.

However, you should keep in mind that they are only examples of the menus that you can try to deal with this disease. One of the most common mistakes when dieting to lose weight is restricting your fat intake.

Although it is necessary to adjust the caloric balance, it is necessary to ensure the lipid requirements. Otherwise, a deficiency of vitamin D harmful to health could occur, as stated in a study carried out in 2019.

That is, you do not have to limit yourself only to the aforementioned, but you can vary it according to the foods suitable for diabetics. Take note!


  • Coffee with skim milk.
  • Infusion of red tea or green tea.
  • Cereals without sugar or chocolate.
  • Two slices of whole wheat toast with unsweetened jam.

    Mid-morning aperitif

    • A piece of fruit.
    • A yogurt without added sugar.
    • A sugar-free cereal bar.
    • Two slices of whole wheat toast with cold cuts of turkey or with fresh cheese.


    • Pasta salad with tomato, lettuce, corn, chicken, egg without yolk and vegetables. It will be important not to add mayonnaise, but to resort to options such as olive oil, yogurt sauce or soy sauce.
    • Mediterranean salad.
    • Tomatoes with oregano and fresh cheese.
    • Lentils With Vegetables.
    • Chickpeas With Spinach.
    • Eggplant or peppers stuffed with minced chicken meat.
    • Dessert based on infusions or a coffee alone or with skimmed milk.

    Mediterranean salad with olive oil.


    • Milk with coffee or alone.
    • Lemon or grapefruit juice.
    • Infusion of red tea or green tea.
    • Four sugar-free cookies.
    • Homemade flan without sugar or yogurt.
    • Homemade sponge cake with yogurt, lemon zest and whole wheat flour.


    • Salad with tomato, lettuce, boiled egg without yolk, onion and tuna.
    • Grilled roasted vegetables.
    • American salad with cabbage and cut carrots.
    • Boiled or pureed vegetables.
    • Scrambled eggs with garlic prawns.
    • Grilled sole.
    • Grilled chicken breast.
    • Grilled veal.
    • Dessert based on an infusion.

    Before bedtime

    • A yogurt.
    • A glass of milk.

    Combine diet and exercise to lose weight if you are diabetic

    It is best to combine this diet with a little light exercise. Taking long walks, brisk walking for about 30 minutes, or dancing can help you lose weight faster and burn that free blood sugar.

    Remember that if you inject insulin you should be careful with low blood sugar or hypoglycemia.

    Lastly, pay attention to the carbohydrates you include in your diet, as they raise blood sugar faster than other types of food.

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