Health Benefits Of Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has become a very popular food, both for its organoleptic characteristics and for its nutritional contribution. Thus, in the sugar-free processed food industry it is used to improve the texture and flavor of products.

On the other hand, it has properties in terms of skin hydration. For this reason, many laboratories use it as a component in their beauty products. In this article we are going to focus on its nutritional properties and why it is a food that can be included in the usual diet.

Coconut oil contains quality fats

Coconut oil is a food composed mainly of fat. In fact, most of the fatty acids it contains are of the saturated type. Until recently, these nutrients were associated with a deterioration in health. However, today doubts are beginning to arise in this regard among experts.

The saturated fatty acids in coconut oil are made up of medium chain triglycerides, whose positive effects on health have been proven. The regular intake of these types of nutrients contributes to the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system, as explained in an article published in the journal Nutrition Reviews.

On the other hand, the intake of this type of fat is related to an increase in satiety and, therefore, to weight loss. But, according to the findings of a study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition , the current evidence on this relationship is not very strong. More human trials are needed to corroborate this.

Coconut oil contains quality fats

Coconut oil provides vitamin E

When we talk about coconut oil, we must bear in mind that it is an ingredient that provides vitamin E. This nutrient stands out for its antioxidant effect that is suitable for fighting free radicals and cellular oxidation.

On the other hand, a close relationship has been evidenced between adequate intakes of this substance and the correct functioning of the immune system, as suggested by an article published in the journal Nutrients.

As if this were not enough, vitamin E interacts positively with vitamin K, helping to dilate blood vessels and preventing blood clotting within them. This is another reason why coconut oil is a beneficial food when it comes to helping reduce cardiovascular risk.

In addition, the relationship of this vitamin with the prevention of neurodegenerative diseases is studied, where it could have a strong incidence, despite the fact that current studies have not revealed firm conclusions in this regard.

A versatile product

Coconut oil can enter the diet in several different ways. It is a product that fits well into healthy baking thanks to its organoleptic properties.

Due to its content of saturated fatty acids, it withstands heat very efficiently. For this reason, it can be subjected to cooking processes at high temperatures with guarantees.

In any case, we must remember that this type of cooking must be done sporadically, since certain toxic compounds are produced that can be harmful to health in the medium and long term.

Benefits of coconut oil for cooking

Coconut oil as part of a healthy diet

As we can see, this product can bring us many positive things in terms of health. Including it in the diet, and combining it with other quality vegetable oils such as olive, will help improve our cardiovascular health.

We must not forget that it is an interesting contribution of vitamin E, which can compensate for deficiencies in this nutrient in the framework of a diet low in nuts. This substance has many functions at an organic level and it is necessary to guarantee its regular consumption to prevent vascular health problems.

Finally, we must emphasize that it is a product with great versatility when it comes to being used in the kitchen. It holds the heat well and fits perfectly with current healthy baking recipes.

Thanks to its organoleptic characteristics, it allows to obtain desserts with a good flavor, even adding lower doses of sugar. This will undoubtedly have a positive impact on health.

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