6 Tips To Keep Your Wallet Clean And Tidy

One of the most frequent problems of women is looking for something in the bag and not getting it. This represents a real nightmare, especially when you have little time. Therefore, in this article we will talk about some tips to keep your wallet clean and tidy.

This scenario is very common, as there are usually many accessories stored. To end this, you can implement a set of practices.

Even the feng shui suggests that the philosophy of order and cleanliness apply to your wallet as it is a way to help the free flow of energy. In this way, you open the doors for new wealth to come to you.

What is the benefit of a more orderly portfolio?

One of the principles of feng shui indicates that, if you keep your environment orderly, the results in your life will be much more positive than you think. So if you apply this point to keep your wallet clean, you could boost your economy, your abundance, and your prosperity.

An interesting fact is that the place where you keep your money must be in perfect condition to transmit better energy. That is why the wallet should not be old, broken and in poor condition.

If you are not very fond of feng shui there are other advantages that you can obtain. The time you invest in keeping your portfolio clean helps you disconnect from your daily tasks.

It is a small activity that can be very relaxing after a long day at work. On the other hand, by filling your bag with the things you really need, you reduce its weight and help your back.

Another aspect to consider is that, by filling your portfolio every day, it makes it easier for you to change your model daily. If you feel like it, this is a good way to use all the ones you have and give a varied touch to your looks .

6 tips to keep a purse cleaner and more organized

Over the years, different methods have been designed that are of great help to preserve the quality of your portfolio and keep it organized. For example, one of the most popular is the Konmari method .

It consists of putting things into categories. In this way, you have easy access to them and avoid the accumulation of unnecessary objects. There are also some feng shui principles that are helpful. Starting from that, below we share 6 general tips.

Woman looks for things in her purse that is not neat or clean

1. Empty it every day

It is recommended that, every day, when you get home, you completely empty your bag. So you have an overview to dispose of what you do not require. Besides, you will be able to combat the classic laziness of changing wallets and varying between your collection.

So, whenever you arrive you have to make sure to eliminate what is not essential in your daily use. In addition to maintaining order, you will prevent it from deteriorating quickly.

2. Establish a place to put what it contains

After you remove everything that was inside your wallet, including pockets, you will most likely appreciate that you had more belongings than you thought.

Not every day you will have to carry the same thing, so you can deposit your belongings in a box, drawer or a tray that is visible. As a consequence, when you go to reorganize you should only grab the vital.

3. Avoid placing unnecessary objects

Following the previous point, it seems pretty obvious that you should avoid placing unnecessary objects. However, most people ignore it.

You have to choose the products that you really need. For example, pens that no longer paint are not a good option to have with you. The same goes for dry wipes.

Every morning, put what is strictly necessary in your bag or purse. This way you reduce the possibility of carrying old receipts or expired papers. Excess weight is one of the causes that aggravate back pain.

4. Organize your things

You just have to put each of the elements vertically and in an orderly way. That way, when you open, you’ll have what you need in view without having to rummage for hours in a bottomless pit.

Added to that, there are elements that are very useful, as is the case with the organizers. These are small bags that are inserted to keep your purse clean and tidy. They allow you to separate everything by categories.

If you don’t have organizers, don’t worry. You can create your own dividers with cases and toiletry bags.

5. Use your pockets

Another perfect mechanism to continue with the organization and avoid the accumulation of unnecessary objects is to take advantage of the pockets. You can establish a kind of routine to always store the same things in them.

Remember that you cannot place large items here, so they are perfect for depositing the small items that could get lost in the bottom of your wallet. For example, keys, accessories, mobile, glasses.

6. Clean your interior

Wallets tend to accumulate a large amount of germs and part of the fault lies with their owners. There are practices that affect the durability of it, like putting them on the floor when you don’t know where.

Avoid storing trash indoors, such as food wrappers, candy, unnecessary papers, business cards, and other belongings that are of no use to you.

Finally, every so often turn your wallet over and wipe it with a dry cloth. Thanks to this you can remove all kinds of dirt that has remained in the background and you have not perceived.

Bacteria on surfaces.

How to thoroughly clean your wallet?

There are a variety of tips you can implement to make sure your purse or purse always stays neat. But what good is the organization if it is dirty inside?

On the outside it may look like new. However, there are times when the interior is the opposite. If you want to extend the useful life of it, you must take note of the following procedure:

  1. Shake it and vacuum it: when you go to empty it, take advantage of that moment to turn it over and even vacuum it. In this way you remove the remains and dirt particles.
  2. Clean it thoroughly: if the inner lining is made of fabric, you can wipe it with a sponge that is slightly moistened with soap and water. If it is made of leather, treat it with a specific product for it.
  3. Dry it: to avoid the proliferation of fungi and bacteria inside, and even the bad smell, after washing your wallet make sure to run a dryer inside. If you don’t have one on hand, just leave it open in a place where it is ventilated.
  4. Neutralize Odors: When you’ve applied the steps above, the last thing you should do is neutralize any odors. You don’t need expensive products for this, since a little baking soda will be more than enough. Let it work for a few hours and then shake it and vacuum it to remove the particles.

There are no more excuses to keep your wallet clean and tidy. Apply these tips and make sure you don’t put away unnecessary things for days and months.

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