10 Changes That Occur In The Body After Stopping Eating Meat

Meat is a source of protein. It also contains B vitamins and minerals such as iron and zinc. Its consumption is important, especially in the growth and development stage. What happens in the body when you stop eating meat?

Completely eliminating the daily intake of meat has consequences for the body. It is convenient to know that a meat-free diet is not synonymous with healthy, since it would imply excluding an important source of protein, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients.

Is it good to stop eating meat?

According to a publication in the Proceedings of the Nutrition Society , meat is a food that has been part of the diet throughout human evolution. From a nutritional point of view it is relevant, since it provides a significant amount of proteins of high biological value and other essential nutrients.

So is it good to stop eating meat? Answering this question can be complex. As we can see, meat provides nutrients that are essential in any healthy diet. However, h ay some controversy over its use, especially if they are red or processed meats.

Information published in the International Journal for Vitamin and Nutrition Research indicates that excessive consumption of red and processed meats increases the risk of total mortality, cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and other non-communicable diseases. 

Meanwhile, experts and nutritionists agree that moderate consumption does not have to pose risks, especially if you choose lean cuts. Thus, stopping eating meat is a personal decision and is not always synonymous with well-being. When in doubt, it is best to discuss it with a nutrition professional.

Is it good to stop eating meat?

Changes you experience when you stop eating meat

A study published in Revue Scientifique et Technique highlights that moderate consumption of meat can help avoid the deficiency of some essential nutrients, since it contains large amounts of protein and moderate doses of iron, zinc, selenium, vitamin D and vitamin B12.

However, this same research concludes that stopping meat can reduce the development of a wide variety of chronic diseases and, in turn, could have beneficial effects on global food security. The latter considering that there is a growing concern about the sustainability of farm animal production.

Is it convenient to leave it? Let’s take a closer look at the pros and cons of stopping eating meat. If you see enough reasons to limit your consumption, great. However, it is better to consult the nutritionist to know how to cover the nutrients that are lost by not eating this food.

1. Weight loss

People who stop eating meat can lose several kilos of body weight, as they decrease the total intake of calories in the diet. In addition, in the medium and long term, this helps reduce inflammation markers, which are associated with being overweight. 

However, it is essential to meet protein needs, as it is a determining macronutrient in metabolism and muscle health. It is present in legumes, white meat, fish and other healthy foods.

2. Intestinal bacteria

The intestinal microflora of meat eaters and vegetarians is very different, as detailed in the Human Microbiome Journal . People who eat more plant-based foods appear to have more beneficial bacteria.

However, rebuilding and improving the intestinal flora is not something that can be done in one day. Therefore, the bloating and gas will not disappear instantly. This is so because the intestine and pancreas will get used to plant foods and enzymes will be reduced.

3. Skin health

People who stop eating meat suggest that their skin condition improves, although there is no evidence to support this fact. However, by increasing the consumption of plant foods instead of meats, you get more amounts of antioxidants, which are essential for skin health, according to a study published in 2017 .

Benefits on the skin

4. Increase in fiber intake

By limiting the consumption of meats, it is necessary to increase the consumption of protein sources of plant origin. Thanks to this, it is possible to obtain a greater intake of fiber in the diet, since generally plant foods contain this nutrient.

5. Cardiovascular health

A recent study published through JAMA Internal Medicine shows that excessive consumption of red and processed meat increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and death.

According to the evidence, eating these foods frequently increases the chances of cardiovascular disease by up to 7%. In addition, it is linked to a 3% higher risk of all causes of death.

6. Less risk of diabetes

People who follow a vegetarian diet have a lower risk of metabolic syndrome, as detailed in this study published Current Diabetes Reports .

The metabolic syndrome is a set of risk factors, linked to type 2 diabetes (non-insulin dependent), strokes and heart disease.

Stopping meat cuts your risk of diabetes

7. Nutrient deficiency

By not consuming meat, a deficit of nutrients necessary for the proper functioning of your body can occur  . In general, it is possible to be deficient in iodine, iron and vitamins D and B12.

Fortunately, you can balance this by carefully planning your diet. The nutritionist will be able to guide you towards the consumption of legumes and other foods that contain these nutrients.

8. Lack of flavor

The taste buds respond to the consumption of zinc and this is concentrated in oysters and red meat. Therefore, when leaving meat aside, it is convenient to look for new sources of food to absorb this mineral. Some options are white beans, nuts, whole grains, and dairy foods.

9. Muscle health

Animal and vegetable proteins are necessary to build and restore muscles after exercising, so it is advisable for vegetarian and vegan athletes to consume liquid protein right after exercising.

10. Less risk of depression

The evidence on the relationship between meat consumption and a greater tendency to depression is not yet strong. However, a meta-analysis published in BMC Psychiatry does not rule out a relationship between excessive intake of this food and this mental health disorder.

Stop eating meat, a personal choice

For now, the evidence on meat consumption continues to cause divided opinions. In general, for most healthy people, eating meat is not a problem. However, it seems that limiting its consumption can have some benefits in the medium and long term.

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