14 Ingenious Ideas To Recycle Things You Have At Home

The habit of recycling has gained great relevance in recent years. It has been proven to be the best way to reduce the amount of waste that pollutes the environment. Although consumerism has made this task a bit difficult, more and more people are making the decision to reuse some of the items they have at home.

Although many seem to have no use whatsoever, there are several tricks and ideas with which they can be used so that they do not have to be thrown away. As we know that there is a strong interest in being part of this trend, below we want to share 14 ingenious ways to put those things that seem useless to use. Try it!

14 ingenious ideas to recycle

1. Recycle a deflated balloon

Recycle a deflated balloon

Deflated balloons are often cornered because they are no longer useful for their intended purpose. However, due to the material with which they are made, they can be used in the manufacture of a fun sports bag.

All you need is a zipper, a pair of rings, and a hanging strap. You like? You will cause a sensation when you go to do sports.

2. Bracelets with plastic bottles

Recycle bracelets from plastic bottles

We give you an idea so that you do not throw away the bottles of water or soft drinks. Cut it into several pieces and line them with fabric ribbons to make cute bracelets.

You can combine different fabrics and patterns to get bracelets of all kinds. In addition, they will be unique and will surprise everyone.

3. Lamp with plastic spoons

Recycle lamp with plastic spoons

Those disposable spoons that are left after a celebration can be reused as a base for making a lamp. Doesn’t it look like a designer lamp?

You just have to cut their bottom part and, with a fine glue, fix them in an orderly way on a drum or carafe. Test it!

4. Organizer with cardboard tubes

Recycle organizer with cardboard tubes

Cardboard tubes from toilet paper and other similar products can be used to create a cable organizer. They can also be used to order makeup, pencils, etc.

Put several inside a cardboard box and use each one as a separator for these types of items. It’s very easy to do.

5. A picture frame with a bottle

Ways to recycle a boat

Are you looking for some good advice to make an intimate and personal gift? Within the wide catalog of ideas for recycling, this is one of the ones that has caught our attention the most.

It consists of inserting a photograph into a glass bottle. Then, you will have to fill it with a good amount of oil.

6. Animals with soda caps

Recycle with soda caps

Because of their shape, soda lids are excellent for making crafts for children. For example, sticking them to a cardboard you can make cute animals to decorate.

Another good option is to fix them with a magnet to put them on the door or in the refrigerator. You will get fun and easy entertainment.

7. Shelves with books

Ideas for recycling

Lovers of reading tend to accumulate books that they may never use again. Instead of cornering them, we can recycle them and make this nice shelf.

In this way we create a surprising visual effect. A tribute to original literature that will surprise all who visit us.

8. Decorative candles with caps

Recycle with candles

The stoppers of some types of drinks can be transformed into small decorative candles for the living room or bedrooms. In addition, they are very simple to do.

Fill them with wax, put a small wick on them and let them solidify. However, always watch that they cannot burn anything around you.

9. Hangers with old tools

Recycle tools

The tools will always help us to facilitate some tasks around the house. However, some are too old and we have already replaced them with others with more technology.

To avoid wasting them, fold them and stick them on a wooden surface to get some hangers. In this way you will achieve a useful and rustic ornament. 

10. Lamps with old bulbs

Recycle with light bulbs

Do you have old light bulbs? Due to their fine glass, the bulbs have a very elegant touch that goes very well to decorate.

To start, if you have some old ones, break them at the top, fill them with oil or water and put a wick on them. Enjoy the result.

11. Jewelry box with plastic bottles

Recycle with bottles

We all want to have earrings, rings, etc. in order. How can we do it if we don’t have the right box or container?

The flower shape that is the base of most plastic bottles can be used to make a beautiful multi-tiered jewelry box. Make it yourself.

12. Lamp with clothespins

Recycle with tweezers

Do you have too many tweezers? If you are tired of using them to hold clothes, discover a new use for making a design element.

First, paste several of them as in the photo. Next,  shape this pretty table lamp.

13. Pencil organizers with cans and bottles

Recycle with cans

Tired of having children’s crayons all over the place? Put them in order with a cute tin or plastic organizer .

Use your creativity and decorate them with paints, fabrics or whatever material you can think of. The result will be very useful.

14. Furniture for plants with a bicycle

Recycle with a bicycle

An old bicycle that can no longer be fixed can become an original piece of furniture to hang pots and plants. Place it at a strategic point in the garden and cover it completely with flowers to give the place a different look.

These crafts will not only help you recycle, but they will also help you to have very ingenious decorative objects. Go ahead and do them at home and give another chance to those things that you consider to be useless.

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