4 Benefits Of Spirulina For Weight Loss

Spirulina is a bluish-green microalgae that contains an immense amount of nutrients. It is the ideal complement to a proper diet that includes foods that benefit the body.

There are many ways to lose weight. There are people who strive to adhere to strict diets that do not necessarily benefit the body. There are also people who think that with enough exercise they can stay healthy no matter what they eat.

The truth is that a healthy lifestyle is finding a balance between intake and exercise.

What is spirulina?

This alga is one of the oldest life forms on earth. This small plant is believed to be the main responsible for the appearance of oxygen in the atmosphere.

According to UNICEF and the UN, spirulina is a “superfood”, one of the foods with the highest nutrient content in the world.

It is recommended in the diets of high performance athletes. Even NASA has advised its consumption for astronauts.

This alga  develops in the waters of countries such as:

  • Ecuador.
  • Africa.
  • India.
  • America.
  • Middle East.

At present there are different nutritional supplements based on spirulina on the market. However, when you decide to buy it, make sure it indicates its organic origin.

Spirulina benefits

We are going to present you what are the main benefits of this algae.

1. Contains high nutritional value

spikelet for weight loss

Generally, the feeling of hunger between meals is a reaction of the body when it suffers from nutritional deficiencies. Therefore, if you eat foods with low nutritional value, the desire to eat will appear even if it has been a short time since the last meal.

Spirulina acts as a nutrient catalyst, activating digestion. On the other hand, its content of multiple vitamins stands out, such as Vitamin C and the vitamin B and E complex.

It also contains minerals like zinc, copper, manganese, and magnesium. These vitamins and minerals speed up metabolism and prevent fat absorption. Additionally, some of these micronutrients, such as zinc and vitamin C, have been shown to improve immune function.

2. Provides protein

Many people think that protein can only be found in meat. The truth is that there are many vegetables that contain a high concentration of these nutrients

Spirulina is 55% and 75%  protein . This makes it an ideal food in diets. However, it presents certain deficiencies in some of the essential amino acids, as it is a plant food.

3. It is a low calorie food

This small alga is one of the foods with the lowest contribution of calories per gram that exist naturally in the world. A teaspoon of spirulina contains only about 20 calories. Regular consumption of spirulina satisfies a large number of the body’s nutritional needs.

Therefore, it is a food that also stands out for its ability to reduce the feeling of fatigue. Specifically, it contributes to improving muscle strength and physical endurance, according to a study published in Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise.

Few people have been shown to be allergic to spirulina. However, it is recommended that the doctor perform the corresponding tests.

Avoid consuming spirulina if you are allergic to shellfish or fish, or if you suffer from hypothyroidism.

4. Lower blood pressure and sugar levels


Spirulina regulates triglyceride levels in the blood. In addition, it helps to process cholesterol and mobilize fats. It is very beneficial for diabetic patients or those with high blood sugar levels.

These properties were supported by a study published in the Journal of Medicinal Food , which concluded that this ingredient improves blood sugar levels and lipid profile in patients with type 2 diabetes. 

Due to its high content of fatty acids, such as Omega 3 and gamma linoleic acid, the consumption of spirulina regulates the production of insulin. Insulin in turn prevents the tendency to obesity and other related diseases.

Spirulina, a beneficial algae

Spirulina is the organic dietary supplement that will make the body work better.

Spirulina is much more recommended for weight loss than synthetic dietary supplements. Remember, weight loss is most effective when a proper diet and physical activity are combined.

Anyway, keep in mind that it is necessary to make a series of dietary changes to achieve this goal. It is necessary to reduce the contribution of added sugars and trans fats in the diet. Do not forget that spirulina does not have magical properties, although it can be beneficial, it is necessary to introduce it in a context of good habits. Otherwise it will have no effect.

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