Love Is Not Sought, It Is Found

Surely you have heard on more than one occasion that love is not sought. However, time goes by, movies and people around you ask you “Don’t you have a partner yet?”, And you end up feeling tremendous anxiety about not having that special person in your life.

It is important that you do not feel offended by this and are aware that people are acting according to beliefs in which you yourself have grown and developed.

On a cultural level, we believe that to be happy you have to have a partner and start a family. There are many things that are dictated to us as absolute truths; However, we have to begin to see them from other perspectives so that they do not affect us or condition our lives.

Having a partner can become an obsession and love is not sought, it is found.

Love is not searched on the internet

This includes networks like Badoo or mobile apps like Tinder . Although there are couples who have left a contact through the internet, you have to wonder why this has happened like this.

There are several reasons why we can interact with others through the internet:

  • We have low self-esteem and we believe that we will not meet anyone because they will never notice us in real life. We tend to think that there are other more attractive people.
  • We are shy or shy and social media gives us a courageous boost in which we dare to speak through writing, feeling looser.
  • For work or because we cannot go out with our friends as much as we would like, our option to meet people is only through the internet.
  • We are so desperate to find someone and we want to find him right now that we turn to the internet, a medium that satisfies our desires immediately.

As we can see, affection is not found on the internet. When someone says they are “looking for love,” they are deluding themselves. He is not looking for love, he is looking for a partner and everything that this entails. Therefore, you will never know if the other is with you because he really likes you, or because you are his least bad option to have someone with whom to go to the movies or on vacation.

You are a human being and as such you deserve to be loved out of choice, not out of necessity. 

Love is not sought through social networks, despite the fact that there are success stories.

It will appear when you least expect it

It often happens that the more desperate we are, the more those possible partners that we are looking at seem to move away. Do you remember the times you’ve been in a relationship and how you suddenly became attractive to others?

This happens because then  you were calm and sure of yourself and, therefore, people were attracted to you. Something that does not happen if you are desperate.

That is why it is important that, although we do not believe that love appears by itself, we trust that it does. In the gym, the supermarket queue, the agency, a co-worker … anything is possible!

The world is full of infinite possibilities that we don’t trust. Love is not under any kind of anxiety or despair. So we will only run into people with whom we will end up not curdling.

Although love is not actively sought, it is necessary to be attentive to the possibilities.

Don’t be afraid to be alone

Love is not found if you are afraid of being alone. It is a panic that society and the times in which we live have been in charge of installing very well in our minds and that prevents us from being happy.

Nothing happens to be alone. Nothing happens if that person does not appear.  The greatest well-being comes from peace with oneself, having a strong emotional support network (a family that loves you or good friends) and achieving goals throughout life that have little to do with a partner. .

If you do not know how to be with yourself or if you are afraid of loneliness, you should know that  love is not found in someone, but is within you. Looking in other people for what you think you are missing will only generate anxiety and misery.

Love yourself and pamper yourself. You deserve it.

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