6 Keys To Maintaining A Regular Yoga Practice

Many people know yoga and see for themselves the benefits it brings to physical and mental well-being. However, despite this, some decide to abandon their practice after a few months. How to maintain a regular yoga practice?

There are many factors that can interfere with the permanent adoption of this discipline. Although its effects on health are notorious, some cannot move forward because they do not have enough time to be consistent or prefer to give up when they feel “difficult”.

However, as with any type of physical activity, it is all a matter of habit, mindset and effort. In fact, it is not even strictly necessary to go to an academy or gym. There are several possibilities to do it at home. Know some keys!

Follow regular yoga practice

1. Establish a schedule

woman doing yoga

It doesn’t matter if you decide to do yoga in a special academy or at home. If you want to make it part of your lifestyle, you will have to establish an exclusive schedule for your daily practice. If at some point you cannot fulfill it, nothing happens.

The essential thing is to give it a specific “space” in the routine so that it becomes a habit. Otherwise, you will start to be irregular with the classes and that feeling of frustration will invade you when you do not achieve the change you want.


  • Schedule at least 20 minutes a day to do yoga.
  • Stop making excuses. If you are tired or under stress, the effects of yoga will allow you to feel good.

2. Have the necessary material on hand

To do yoga you don’t need too many materials. However, if you keep the mat or mat deep in the closet, you may not be motivated to practice it. For this reason, if your idea is to maintain a regular yoga practice, it is best to have everything visible.


  • Keep the posture mat and belt where you can easily notice them.
  • If possible, adapt some free space in the house with everything you need for your exercises.

3. Stay away from distractions

Practice yoga

Distracting elements and yoga are enemies. It is essential to understand that this discipline requires too much concentration and mental strength. So, to master it and make it part of your routine, you will have to push away anything that distracts you.

Therefore, if you decide to do it at home, find a quiet, clean place away from any noise or technological device. In this way, you will be given over to exercise and will not have so much difficulty mastering the postures.


  • Prepare a little “yogi” corner in the quietest place in the house. If you want, set it up with natural aromas and soft music.
  • Avoid cluttered or dirty spaces altogether. Also, ask your family members not to cause you distractions.

4. Increase the intensity gradually

You can’t pretend to practice yoga like a pro when you’ve only taken a few classes. Even if you feel like you have enough flexibility, it is best to increase the intensity gradually, week after week.

There are many simple postures that are perfect to start practicing this discipline. Later, when there is more resistance and experience, you can try those that are more complex.


  • Avoid overexerting yourself in trying to make a very difficult pose. If you are not prepared enough, go for easier alternatives.
  • Do not exceed the schedule either: if you do it for a long time you run the risk of fatigue and give up.

5. Warm up before you start

Why do yoga

Warm-up exercises can be your allies to maintain a regular yoga practice. These help release muscles from tension and improve joint mobility. Therefore, after performing them, maintaining the postures is no longer so difficult.


  • You can use the sun salutation to warm up before your regular routine. By doing so, you activate the muscles and let your breath flow.
  • Another good exercise to warm up is the cat-cow pose.

6. Get enough rest

During and after a yoga class, you should take a reasonable time to rest. Attention to the signals that your body sends you is decisive to avoid injuries or prolonged fatigue. Therefore, if you feel very tired or short of breath, it is better to stop.


  • Take a few minutes of rest between one posture and another. Similarly, try to get a good night’s rest when you go to bed.
  • When you stop exercising due to tiredness, take a deep breath and try to connect well before doing it again.

If you are trying to maintain a regular yoga practice, be sure to follow all these basic tips. Of course, try to make each class have a purpose and take it very positively. Do not forget that one of its main foundations is to feel good physically and mentally.

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