Common Reasons You Miss Your Period

Although we sometimes take it as a lesser evil, stress can cause menstrual disturbances and even missed periods. To return to normal, it will be enough to relax

Menstruation is a common event in the life of women. Some find it annoying or feel uncomfortable during its appearance. However, the menstrual period offers useful information about your reproductive health.

When your period disappears without cause, it is said that there is an amenorrhea. There are moments in a woman’s life when it is normal not to menstruate, but others can be a red flag. Therefore, it is advisable to visit the gynecologist frequently to rule out more serious problems.

To help you dispel the myths and doubts, read on and discover the most common reasons why your period does not arrive.

Times when not having a period is healthy and normal

While it is true that having a period is an indication of good reproductive health, it can also be missing in certain circumstances:

Before or in the first few months of puberty

A girl is considered to enter puberty between the ages of 13 and 15. Before puberty there should be no vaginal bleeding of any kind since this can be a symptom of a gynecological problem.

Also it’s common for your period to miss a few times during the first few months . This happens because the body is still adjusting to hormonal changes.

If after 15 years of age you have not had a menstrual period, you should visit the gynecologist. This will help you  rule out any problems as this is generally not a normal situation.

The pregnancy

pregnant woman

We must remember that at the end of  the menstruation the ovules that were not fertilized are eliminated. When an egg is fertilized, it settles in the uterus and the body is ordered not to let any more eggs pass.

During the entire pregnancy there will be no menstrual period and there should be no bleeding of any kind . In case of bleeding, no matter how light, you should go to the gynecologist to rule out any problem with the pregnancy . Some women regain their menstrual period the month after delivery, although others may take a couple of months.

In addition, you do not have a menstrual period while breastfeeding. This is due to high prolactin levels. In any case, you should always consult your gynecologist for any questions you may have in this regard.


The reproductive cycle of women has an end known as menopause. During this period, some menstrual cycles begin to be missed or become lighter.

This leads to complete loss of menstruation after a few months. The moment when menopause appears varies greatly from one woman to another.

Some women reach menopause after 45 years, while others reach almost 60 years

Other causes of amenorrhea

In addition to the three moments that we just mentioned, there are other reasons why your menstrual cycle can be altered.  It is important that you always keep a record of your cycles to identify when there is any change, alteration or disappearance.

Among the unhealthy causes for which amenorrhea can appear are:

1. Chronic diseases

woman pricking herself for diabetes

Some chronic diseases, such as diabetes , cause changes in various aspects of the body. Therefore, if you have been diagnosed with a condition of this type or have experienced it since you were a child, you could have periods of amenorrhea. 

Some studies have documented the role of insulin in regulating ovarian function. Thus, a lack of control in our insulin levels could affect our period.

Therefore, keep an eye on your health at all times. Also, follow your doctor’s instructions regarding diet and exercise. And don’t forget to go to the gynecologist when you have changes in your menstrual cycle or amenorrhea.

2. Lose a lot of weight

If you now have a few extra pounds and want to get rid of them, you need to make sure you do it the right way. This implies following a nutritional regimen that provides you with all the nutrients you need to carry out your daily activities.

When you lose a lot of weight drastically you can also lose your period . This is because being too underweight can disrupt certain hormonal functions in the body, which can cause ovulation to stop. .

If you reach the point of amenorrhea and are on a diet, visit the specialist and include foods rich in iron in your diet.

3. Stress

Many worries and overwork produce stress. This can in turn cause period losses. This type of amenorrhea is known as “hypothalamic amenorrhea.”

The reason is that stress can affect the hypothalamus. This part of the brain is responsible, among other things, for regulating period hormones, such as progesterone and estrogen.

So C hen these two hormones are not produced or are produced in trace amounts, ovulation is impaired. To solve the problem, it is enough, in principle, to return to normality and relax.

Once the stress subsides, the menstrual cycle usually regulates itself relatively quickly . Prepare yourself a good relaxing juice or get some exercise. Also, try to forget about menstrual disturbances, so as not to stress yourself even more.

4. Polycystic ovary syndrome

This is a relatively common gynecological problem among women. It consists of small cysts that form on the ovaries and cause hormonal changes .

Some women have little or no discomfort, although many others have reported unpleasant situations such as:

  • Excessive facial and body hair
  • Alterations in menstrual cycles
  • Pain and cramps during the menstrual period
  • Overweight

In the most severe cases, it is not uncommon for there to even be period losses for a few months. In case of presenting several or all of these symptoms you should go to your gynecologist.

Detecting PCOS  is not complicated . It can be done through a pelvic exam, a scan, or a simple ultrasound. Therefore, do not hesitate to go to the doctor.

Although your menstrual period may seem bothersome, remember that it is a guide to your reproductive health. Pay attention and seek medical advice when you see changes in it.

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