The Importance Of Calcium In The Body

Calcium (Ca) is the most abundant mineral in the body and is essential for nutrition and health in general,  as indicated in this study published in the journal  Hospital Nutrition.  Calcium in the body constitutes approximately 2% of the total weight. It contributes to many of the basic functions of the body.

It is necessary to consume between 1000 and 1200 mg per day for adults and 1300 mg per day for adolescents. However, in no case should it ever exceed 2500 mg per day.

What are the basic functions of calcium in the body?

Calcium is a micronutrient that has skeletal and regulatory functions, as indicated in this article published in the journal F ood nutrition and agriculture.  AND It is a micronutrient that performs a series of basic functions in the body  that allow it to function. They are between them:

  • It maintains strong bones and teeth, supporting the structure and function of the skeleton. 99% of the calcium in the body is used for this.
  • The rest of the calcium in the body plays a key role in cell signaling,  blood clotting, and nerve function.
  • It is used by cells to activate certain enzymes and send and receive neurotransmitters during communication with other cells.
  • It is one of the key players in maintaining a regular heart rate.

In addition, calcium in the body performs other key functions, including the following:

  • Facilitates the process of muscle cell contraction.
  • Assists the movement of sperm to fertilize the egg.
  • It is essential for blood clotting.
  • Stabilizes blood pressure.
  • Contributes to normal brain function.
  • It plays an important role in regulating the heart rate.
  • It is of great importance for communication between cells.

Calcium-rich foods for the body

Calcium can be found both in foods of animal origin, and in foods of plant origin. Here is a list of both types for you to incorporate into your daily diet.

Of animal origin

Chicken eggs calcium contribution

To consider

  • It must be taken into account that, depending on age and other factors, a person may need to consume more or less amount of calcium. To find out what your case may be, you can consult the NIH tables.
  • Keep in mind that the consumption of foods rich in calcium should not exclude the intake of other foods.
  • The main dietary sources of calcium are dairy products (such as milk, cheese and the like), but they are not the only ones.
  • Various studies show an inverse relationship between calcium intake and body mass index (BMI).
  • You have to take into account you should consume foods rich in calcium, but without adding saturated fat or many calories daily.
  • Remember that, in addition to maintaining a balanced diet  that provides all the necessary nutrients for the body, you should try to maintain other good lifestyle habits, such as, for example, doing physical activity on a daily basis.

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