Discover The Best Tips To Soothe Varicose Pain

Tired legs, feeling of pressure, cramps, itching, pain … Varicose veins are not just anything. It is a reality that can very well limit our quality of life. For this reason, it is necessary to consult a doctor and find out how to relieve varicose vein pain.

It is believed that almost 50% of women suffer from them. In fact, data from the Spanish Association of Vascular Nursing and Wounds indicate that they are a problem with a prevalence of 10% in the general population.

It can be in the form of those slight spiders staining our legs, or in its most striking and dilated form. In the latter, the varicose veins end up protruding in a way that is as annoying as it is painful. How then to alleviate this suffering?

The most common way to resolve the reality of varicose veins is almost always the operating room, where the varicose veins are removed. Currently, the laser is the most popular option. However, this does not assure us that they will not reappear.

When there is a basic circulation problem, it is very likely that we will see them appear again. Our genetic background, a sedentary life and our diet are key factors for us to suffer them.

Here’s how you can relieve varicose pain, following the recommendations of the National Health, Lung and Blood Institute . So you can have a better quality of life, simply and economically.

1. Start by changing your diet

Apples to combat varicose veins

A common remedy to relieve the sensation of pain and heaviness in the legs with varicose veins is to resort to the so-called venotonic medicinal plants.

It is a natural resource that could help prevent capillaries from dilating and improve their resistance. They are also plants with anti-inflammatory effects that would reduce swelling and have an antioxidant effect. The plants that you could turn to would be the leaves of:

  • Witch hazel: although there are no exclusive studies referring to its anti-inflammatory effect on varicose veins, its effect on the relief of hemorrhoids and other inflammatory ailments has been proven.
  • red vine: An investigation concluded that those who were given red vine had a greater reduction in inflammation compared to the group that received the placebo.
  • ginkgo biloba: A pilot study published in 2015 concluded that it would have anti-inflammatory effects that could help relieve pain caused by varicose veins.

You can find all these plants in health food stores or natural stores. Remember to consult your doctor before taking them if you suffer from any disease.

It is usually recommended to eat these plants twice a day. Also indicate that you can find these same plants included in creams or gels. Thus, with them you can alleviate your heaviness through a massage.

3. The benefits of horse chestnut for varicose veins

Horse chestnut for varicose veins

Horse chestnut stands out as one of the most effective remedies for relieving the symptoms of varicose veins. In its seeds there is a component called aescin that would promote normal blood flow. In addition, it would reduce edema, which would prevent fluid retention.

It would minimize pain, ramps, heaviness, and cramps. It would be very suitable to treat those little spiders on our legs. Also for ulcers and even hemorrhoids.

You can find horse chestnut in natural stores or herbalists in capsule form. It is best to take about 400 mg a day in two doses, one at breakfast and the other before dinner. In this way you could avoid cramps and night pain caused by varicose veins. Remember to consult your doctor if you take other medications.

4. Other basic tips to reduce varicose pain

Tips for varicose veins

Legs up

  • When you get home, try to relax for ten minutes by lying on the couch with your legs up. All you have to do is get on a cushion and lean them against the wall. This will help reduce swelling.
  • When you lie down, remember that it is always very appropriate to sleep with your legs a little higher than your body. You just have to put something under the mattress or a cushion to get this more comfortable position.

    Appropriate clothing

    • Compression stockings are very suitable, as they relieve pain quite effectively. Ask your doctor about it.
    • Try not to wear very tight clothes, as this makes it difficult for our legs to circulate.


    • Avoid sedentary lifestyle. Move whenever you can, if your job forces you to be seated, take advantage of the moments you can to move, to walk.
    • When you get home, try to take a 20-minute walk. Cycling is also very effective.

    Natural techniques

    • Aloe vera is often recommended to relieve pressure from varicose veins. You can massage yourself with the pulp inside. You will get a fresh and relaxing feeling.
    • The application of cold and heat is also usually indicated. Start with a warm cloth, pressing down on the varicose veins. Then do the same but with a cold water cloth. This change in temperature is very relaxing, effective and facilitating the proper circulation of blood in our legs.

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