Healing Cinnamon And Ginger Drink To Combat Coughs

The combination of honey, cinnamon and ginger provides us with a tonic that helps us soften the throat, thus preventing cough and promoting its elimination

Cinnamon and ginger are two medicinal spices with health properties. Among them, it stands out its ability to help fight coughs.

Discover in this article how you can prepare a cinnamon and ginger cough drink at home, as well as all the properties of these two natural remedies.

Fight cough

coughing woman

Coughing is a reflex action of our body to keep the airways clear. It can be dry or productive, in which case it is accompanied by mucus.

It is usually one of the main symptoms of flu, colds and colds, although some people suffer from it chronically. There is also a type of cough that appears at night and makes it difficult to rest. In any case, if the cough persists or is accompanied by blood, it is important to see a doctor.

There are different natural remedies to combat a cough. Thus,  there are some solutions that we can prepare at home with inexpensive ingredients at our fingertips.

The cinnamon

Cinnamon is an exotic and delicate spice highly valued in world cuisine.

It is capable of enhancing and sweetening the flavor of a wide variety of sweets  with which it combines perfectly: cakes, cookies, ice cream, puddings, creams, creams, etc. In addition, it can also be used in meat and fish stews.

However, its secret is in its incredible health properties. Cinnamon helps:

  • Soothe a cough and a sore throat.
  • Reduce blood sugar levels, making it an ally against type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance. This is stated in this study carried out by the Istanbul Medipol University Institute of Health Sciences.
  • Lower cholesterol As stated in this research carried out by Oklahoma State University (United States).
  • In addition, it is antioxidant, anti-inflammatory (according to this study by MS Ramaiah Medical College, in India) and a natural stimulant without side effects.

For cinnamon to have a powerful healing effect, we must choose the Ceylon variety. Chinese cinnamon, on the other hand, is much less medicinal.

Cinnamon as an aphrodisiac


Ginger is a spicy, exotic and refreshing root. It is widely used in Asian cuisine for its digestive virtues, as an accompaniment to all kinds of recipes.

In addition, ginger helps better absorption of nutrients, making it an ideal complement to any food.

Among its properties the following stand out:

  • Helps reduce airway congestion, calm coughs, and warm the throat.
  • It has antibacterial properties, according to this study conducted by Qassim University (Saudi Arabia).
  • Helps reduce inflammation. This is confirmed by this study carried out by the Isfahan University (Iran).
  • It can improve digestion and calm heartburn and gas.
  • Promotes sweating.
  • It helps to strengthen the immune system, as stated in the previous study from Isfahan University (Iran).
  • It is an ally against free radicals.

Bee honey

Honey and cinnamon

Honey is the best sweetener for this cough drink. Thanks to its excellent nutritional properties, honey is a very effective natural remedy.

According to this study carried out by Neyshabur University (Iran), its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties make it a great remedy for dry coughs. Not surprisingly, it is the base of many natural syrups and a much more recommended option than sugar.

Healing drink


  • 1 stick of Ceylon cinnamon or a teaspoon of ground cinnamon (5 g)
  • 1 piece of fresh ginger root or a teaspoon of ground ginger (5 g)
  • Bee honey (to taste)
  • 3 glasses of water (600 ml)


When preparing this drink to combat a cough, we must take into account two options:

  • If we use cinnamon and ginger powder, we will only let them infuse with the fire off for 10 minutes.
  • On the other hand, if we use the cinnamon stick and the ginger root, we will have to cook them for 15 minutes.
  • In both cases, we will let it rest after another 10 minutes.
  • When the drink is warm, we will sweeten it with honey to taste.

Both alternatives are effective.

Cinnamon and ginger

How do we take it?

  • We will take this drink warm or a little hot, but without burning so as not to irritate the throat.
  • It can be taken in small sips or we can gargle.
  • Its consumption is recommended on an empty stomach,  outside of the main meals.
  • It is an effective treatment against cough, and we can take it until we notice improvement.

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