How To Prepare Perfect Salads?

Making salads is quick and easy. In addition, if we add the right ingredients, we can have a complete, rich  dish that provides the perfect nutrients for our body.

Here we suggest some basic points to prepare a variety of salads.

Read also How to prepare a salad pizza?

Prepare salads, an excellent option

Making salads can be a quick way to get the nutrients we need creatively. In addition, it is a good option to try new flavors and textures. Besides being a quick option, you can make a good salad without too many ingredients.

Choose the base of the salad

The first step in preparing salads is to choose the green vegetable that will be the base of the salad. The options are many: lettuce in any of its variants or all together, spinach, chard, kale, etc.

Remember that all these vegetables must be washed and disinfected to avoid diseases. To avoid the boredom of any of these bases, the ideal is to vary the vegetable to use each time.


Add other green options

Since we have the base of green leaves, it is possible to incorporate other vegetables of the same color. Just enough to give it some texture and mix more flavors. You can try avocado, cucumber, broccoli, asparagus, leeks, pumpkin, wheat germ, etc.

Remember that when preparing salads you can play and mix as much as you want.

Add some color

To add color to the green we already have, the options are endless: corn kernels, red, yellow or orange peppers, purple or white onion, carrot, purple cabbage, potatoes, among others.

Add something crunchy

When preparing salads try to add something crunchy, such as some fruit or nuts. The options are several: walnuts, peanuts, chopped apple, sunflower seeds, etc.

Be careful, as some are too high in calories in low amounts, which can cause the calorie count to go too high in something that looks very healthy.

Making salad with seeds

Add protein

When preparing salads, the goal is to create a complete and nutrient-rich food and this cannot be achieved without using some protein. It can be used, among others: red meat, cheeses, eggs, poultry, cold cuts, fish of all kinds, tofu, soy, etc.

Also read What are proteins and what do they contribute to the diet?

Finally, the dressings

The flavors created with the above ingredients can be enhanced and enhanced with seasonings.

The mixes that can be created are as wide as salads. They can be used:

  • vegetable oils (coconut, garlic, etc)
  • spices and fine herbs (thyme, spearmint, basil, cinnamon, etc.)
  • fruits (plums, mango, orange, etc).
  • yogurt, cream, wine, etc.

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