Are There Shakes That Really Help Improve Memory?

Some food components play an important role in cognitive processes such as memory. Scientific evidence suggests that dietary-derived flavonoids have the potential to enhance human memory and neurocognitive performance through their ability to protect vulnerable neurons, enhance existing neuronal function, and stimulate neuronal regeneration.

For example, the ability of compounds such as flavonoids in memory has been studied.

On the other hand, it has also been seen that a diet in which saturated fats prevail is related to the production of amyloid proteins that promote the onset of Alzheimer’s. 

Thus, it seems that our diet may play an important role in our cognition. But not only food: healthy lifestyle habits and regular physical exercise are also “food” for our brain.

Let us accompany all this with active habits where curiosity, interest in learning and starting new projects is present.

What foods are bad for my memory?

  • -Saturated fats and fatty acids : Studies in rats suggest that saturated fats, hydrogenated fats, and cholesterol can profoundly affect memory and hippocampal morphology.
  • -Sugars: The data indicate that a higher intake of prevalent fats and sugars in a Western diet impairs hippocampal memory and behavioral inhibition tests known to be related to hippocampal function.
  • -Alcohol: It has been seen that moderate doses Alcohol impairs working memory by affecting certain memory strategies and executive processes.

Tips for our brain and our memory.

  • -Practice sports or gentle exercises.
  • -Rest, sleep at least eight hours a day. Our brain needs tranquility and rest to settle experiences, memories …

Smoothies to improve your memory

Fruit smoothies

Here are the recipes for three excellent nutritious and energetic shakes. You can take whatever you want once or twice a week. You should know that these shakes are not scientifically proven to improve memory.

Apple, carrot and almond smoothie.

 The apple  provides, in addition to fiber, vitamin E and C, it is refreshing and hydrating.

For its part, the carrot, in addition to vitamins A, B and C, has innumerable  beneficial minerals for our brain: potassium, calcium, phosphorus … purifies the blood and gives us energy.

Almonds and walnuts are essential for our brain, thanks to their mineral content.


  • 2 apples
  • 3 carrots
  • three walnuts.
  • 3 almonds.


-We wash the fruits and peel the walnuts and almonds.
-We take the fruits together with the nuts to the blender, putting it at maximum intensity so that it is well chopped and homogeneous.
-Afterwards we serve it in a glass, drinking it immediately … the flavor is unsurpassed.

Strawberry Oatmeal Smoothie

Oats, in addition to having a relaxing alkaloid in its composition, has vitamin B1, essential for normal growth and development.

On the other hand, strawberries, in addition to being tasty, are a more than perfect natural antioxidant to nourish and keep our brain in good condition.


  • 3 strawberries
  • Half a glass of oatmeal.
  • A glass of skim milk.
  • 2 tablespoons of honey.


Simply put the strawberries, milk and oats in the blender. Next, we stir well so that the mixture is uniform. Take a look at its attractive pink hue. In the end, when you add the milk you will see how tasty it is, and the energy it brings.

Due to the high dose of sugar it contains, it will not be suitable for diabetics.

Coconut and banana smoothie.

Coconut is rich in fiber, calcium, potassium, iron …


  • 1 glass of skim milk.
  • 5 almonds.
  • Half a ripe banana.
  • 1/7 of coconut cut into small pieces, without shell.


Peel the banana and put it in the blender with the fresh coconut.
-Put the milk and almonds.
-Take it to the blender and put it on high speed.

-Serve it in the glass and accompany it if you want by adding a touch of cinnamon on top. If you drink it immediately you will notice its freshness and its exquisiteness.

Check with your doctor if you think you may be having memory problems. Remember: on their own, these shakes are unlikely to help improve memory.

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