8 Things You Should Never Allow In A Relationship

Forming a couple implies starting to build a future with the thought that everything is easier because of being a team. It is the illusion of being accompanied to travel the complex route of personal and family development, to find that complement that supports us in our achievements and is able to contain ourselves in every frustration. However, there are also things you should never allow in a relationship.

In addition to the fact that it is necessary to pay attention to the signs and that it is necessary to avoid ignoring what is uncomfortable or annoying, it is convenient to know what are the things that should not be allowed, both for your own good and for the good of both.

What should you never allow in a relationship?

It is possible that, at some point, the chosen person no longer acts as they used to (like at the beginning of the relationship, for example) and their new behaviors begin to hurt. That is when you should turn on the alarm light and find a way to fully understand the causes of change and what the alternatives may be to give you the best possible solution.

1. You should never allow in a relationship: imposition of friendships

When two people meet and start dating, surely each has their own circle of friends with whom they go out or chat. Adding can be positive if it occurs naturally and there is comfort among the members. However, what should never be allowed in a relationship is that we are forced to change our group of friends for that of our romantic partner.

7 things you should never tolerate in your relationship

It is clear evidence of manipulation in which you want to control the environment: isolate the couple from their own environment to be able to handle situations. A very subtle domination exercise, in which many people fall without even noticing. Or, perhaps, they visualize it when there is a breakup and they no longer have anyone around them.

2. Aggressive reactions

Aggressive responses to the differences that exist between the two should not be accepted for any reason. Aggression is not just a hit or a shove. Every insult, disrespect, yell or threat: all are intolerable destructive behaviors.

Things you should never allow in a relationship

Accepting  any aggressive attitude from the beginning allows the couple to advance more and more in their attacks. His emotional control makes him clearly know your weaknesses and try to deal with them.

The guilt or shame of the person attacked, at times, makes them more vulnerable. They keep quiet about what is happening and even feel responsible for the situation. For this reason,  at the first sign, you must move away and end all contact.

3. Lies are something you should never allow in a relationship

When relationships are built on lies, happiness is not within the best odds. There is definitely no trust. Also, hiding becomes a very unhealthy habit. Even conversations become non-existent because nothing that is said is credible.

If you discover your boy in lies, it may happen that he is actually a cheater or maybe not. However, he does not finish opening up and he does not want you to know him as he really is. In either case, being cheated on is something you should never allow in a relationship.

4) Secret relationships

Time passes and they continue to see each other alone at home or with hidden exits where they do not find any acquaintances. Family presentations are a very distant dream, or rather, it is not within their plans. Obviously something else is going on and it doesn’t seem very encouraging.

Why continue with a person who does not want a commitment and does not want to show up by your side? Beyond the sweet words you say or the gifts you bring, he does not want to “whitewash” the couple. Either he doesn’t consider you enough to be a part of his whole life, or he has another parallel story. It is definitely something you should never allow in a relationship.

5. Change your projects

They are two different people and therefore have their own personal projects. Get a job, train professionally, travel … Respect and support to achieve these achievements are essential. The problem arises when one does not accept or value the dreams of his partner.

If he insinuates you that your career is no longer important since the children who need a mother present will come: run away. It is clear that for him the important thing is his plans and the rest is nonsense that must be abandoned.

6. Destroy privacy

They are in a relationship and then everything becomes part of the two, there is no longer privacy. It is a fatal mistake and extremes are never good. Each one should have their own space and time for themselves, without having to hide and seek.

If you notice that she breaks into your meetings with friends, knows all your device passwords and uses them, there is something to clarify. You may not do it with bad intentions, but you must understand that it is annoying. If you repeat it later, there is nothing else to do, just finish.

7. Negative beings 24 hours a day

In front of each proposal they have as the only answer a “NO” and it is very difficult to get them out of there. They cannot envision anything good in the future and only rely on problems. Being around people with this mentality is usually very exhausting.

Things you should never allow in a relationship

Its negative energy is transmitted throughout the environment causing the loss of many opportunities. Even your friends may start to drift away so they don’t get intoxicated with their negativity.

8. Sexual relations by obligation

They never accept a no in privacy and do not respect limitations when going to bed. They consider that their partner is there to fulfill all their sexual fantasies and force them to do so. It seems obvious, but many women are subjected to this abuse because they believe that it is part of the love they owe.

Your body and what you do with it is your decision regardless of whether you have a partner. If it’s really a healthy relationship, the other person should respect that you don’t want to be in a threesome or have sex that night. You should never allow yourself in a relationship to be forced to do what is hurting you or what you don’t want to do.


There are certain personalities that tend to “intoxicate” their entire environment. Their dominant, impulsive or egocentric characteristics do not allow them to maintain harmonious relationships. Instead of betting on dialogue to generate mutually beneficial agreements, they seek to impose themselves. And for a long time they can make great strides if their partner is not prepared to detect it.

Giving in in front of the partner is correct, as long as it is not a repetitive attitude that leads to emotional dependence. To avoid these excesses that destroy relationships and self-esteem of individuals, symptoms must be detected. And no matter how much love you have for that person, there are things you should never allow in a relationship.

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