10 Vegetables And Fruits That You Can Easily Grow At Home

The world is moving towards unbridled consumerism, which affects food production, since they end up being altered with chemicals to favor the accelerated production process. In this way, the healthy options are becoming fewer. Therefore, identifying the vegetables and fruits that you can grow is a great alternative.

Advantages of growing food at home

Before determining which are the vegetables and fruits that you can grow at home, it becomes vitally important to understand all the advantages that surround this practice. Among the favorable aspects are the following:

  • Reduce expenses: the economy is one of the points that are favored with planting at home, since it will not be necessary to buy the same amount of vegetables and fruits. In the long run it can translate into significant savings compared to any other activity that was outside the initial budget.
  • Enjoy the essence of food: by achieving the maximum naturalness of vegetables and fruits without the presence of additives, the enjoyment of the essence is total, thus achieving unmatched taste sensations.
  • Family activity: the planting process and all the care it entails becomes a family activity that everyone enjoys. Likewise, the little ones are the ones who are most motivated and give an exceptional value, both to life and to the benefits of nature with the human being.
  • Aesthetic improvement: the attractiveness of fruits and vegetables in the home is a considerable aesthetic factor. In this way, warmth and joy will be felt from the first moment a visitor arrives.

Fruits and vegetables that can be grown at home

The selection of fruits and vegetables to plant at home has varied possibilities, so that they adapt to all kinds of spaces and conditions. In short, do not miss the opportunity to help grow any of the following options.

1. Onions

It is required to cut the base of the onion. Then, proceed to dry the sectioned portion for a time between 2 and 3 days.

Finally, in a pot, which can be small, set the piece on the ground to begin the necessary care for its growth.

White onions planted in the house.

2. Avocado

The avocado (known as avocado  or persea americana ) is sown starting from the seed. This must be soaked, ensuring that the base is in contact with water.

Then, when the roots sprout, it is time to sow in a medium pot.

3. Celery

The base of the celery should be cut and placed over a bowl of water that immerses it halfway for 2 or 3 days. Then, the sprouting of the leaves from the centralized area will be the indication that it is time to make the change to a pot or any container provided with soil.

4. Ginger

Ginger or kiĆ³n has innumerable benefits and is very easy to grow. You need to classify the underground rhizomes or stems that you see in the best condition and leave them underground for 2 or 3 months.

Do not forget to keep the land well cared for and be patient to see the expected results.

5. Mushrooms

When sowing mushrooms, it is important to appeal to the power of the mycelia (filaments of the plant part of the mushrooms) in order to accomplish a satisfactory task.

These should be kept in a brown bag that allows a certain amount of light to pass through next to a damp cloth. After 2 or 3 months the mushrooms are ready.

6. Pineapples

The secret is to use the leaves with the utmost care (they can prick), cutting the upper area of the pineapple. This section, also known as the crown , requires to be submerged in water for a period of between 2 and 3 weeks.

The limit is set when the roots come out, since they must pass into the ground.

7. Blackberries

For blackberries , the seeds are placed in a glass with water, so it can be identified which ones are suitable for planting. In this case, those that sink will be suitable.

Then, proceed to sowing in a medium pot 1 centimeter deep.

8. Strawberries

Put the seeds in the freezer 2 weeks before growing, as they do best in cold environments. Then sow in horizontal pots with enough space between the seeds. Watering and hours of sunshine have to be strict to take effect.

9. Tomato

Among the vegetables and fruits that you can grow at home, the tomato cannot be absent. In addition, this vegetable provides many facilities for its growth, because the seeds can be planted directly in the soil of the pot or it is also possible to opt for a seedbed or seedbed.

Tomatoes harvested from a garden in the house.

10. Peaches

Planting peach seeds requires as a condition that they are dry, which is achieved with about 4 days in the sun. On the other hand, the soil must have enough nutrients so that growth does not stagnate.

Some tips on vegetables and fruits that you can grow at home

You already know the vegetables and fruits that you can grow, but you need to perfect the technique with some tips that are useful to minimize setbacks:

  • Prepare the soil with high quality substrate to have the best growing conditions.
  • Regularly improve the soil using homemade compost.
  • Conduct research on the individual requirements of each plant to monitor them.
  • Try to make sure the location of the pots has a nearby water outlet to avoid dirt or mud buildup in the area.

The vegetables and fruits you can grow need dedication

Regardless of the large amount of vegetables and fruits that you can grow, the first step is to take confidence with few plantings to get used to. This will serve as practice in order to increase the number with the experience gathered.

Spend enough time to select the place in the house where you will have the fruits, so that the climatic conditions are favorable for both fruits and vegetables.

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