3 Fabulous Benefits Of Yoga For Children

Yoga for children helps to make adults more confident of themselves and more responsible with the environment. In addition, it is a sport in which there is no competitiveness

Yoga for children is presented as an educational practice that provides multiple benefits. Until recently, we believed that the most important thing for their adult life was study.

However, we now know that activity is essential for your physical and mental development. But, we also question the type of exercise that little ones should do.

The traditional answer is soccer, basketball, or track and field, but there is a world beyond that. Eastern philosophies bring with them a whole treatment of the body that seems to interest us more and more, as the rise of yoga shows. But is it good for children too?

When to start with yoga for children?

When to start with yoga for children.

Taking into account the characteristics of the little ones, the ideal is to start from the age of 4. At this time, their body structure is already solid and, on the other hand, they already have some development of psychomotor skills. They already have awareness of their own body and some control over it.

On the other hand, there are those who wonder if it is a discipline for all kinds of children. The answer is yes. Both the most introverted and the most dynamic will benefit from it. Even those with functional diversity will find advantages in practicing it.

  • The key in this regard is to detect which class is best suited for your personality.
  • There are different methods within yoga, aimed at reinforcing and correcting what prevents us from living with well-being.

However, all of them present the benefits that we will talk about next.

Discover the advantages of yoga for children

They will learn to improve without competing

They will learn to improve without competing

It is one of the few sports where you neither win nor lose. They also can’t turn on the TV and watch competitions. Moreover, if we compare it with other areas, this feature is also unique.

The importance of this learning is fundamental for children. It is based on improving for their own sake, for themselves and not with the goal of being better than someone else or getting an award.

  • Knowing that everything that is assimilated at this age is extrapolated to the rest of the facets, it is a great advantage.
  • Knowing that there is a satisfaction that starts with oneself and that does not depend on the recognition of others is essential to be happy.

Yoga for kids encourages self-awareness

When we talk about self-knowledge, we usually think about the inner world. And it is true that it is a fundamental piece, but having a conscious relationship with our body also helps us a lot.

Being aware of your limits and feeling capable of overcoming them gives us a sense of power that translates into better self-esteem. In addition, yoga for children, as in adults, causes us to feel every muscle, every bone, even every breath of air.

This makes it more likely that we take care of ourselves and respect the functioning of the body. Furthermore, we will honor with the same seriousness the space of others, given that we already know that they are not our enemies, but our equals.

They learn to detect and manage stress

Perhaps the most valuable thing is that “detect”, since without it we cannot control it. In addition to the philosophy that goes with it, the activity itself requires relaxation.

Therefore, if this is not your emotional state, as soon as you get ready to practice it, you perceive the difference. When you notice the contrast, you understand that you had an emotion within you that made you feel bad. At the same time, you find in yoga the way to master it.

As adults who have lived away from this type of discipline, we already know how difficult it is to learn how to do it when you have grown up. Having this skill as a child makes a difference. It is a substantial tool to be able to develop with peace of mind and better choose what you need, what you want or reject what is harmful to you.

These are the main advantages of yoga for children. As you can see, it will help them to grow in better conditions, to respect themselves, as well as the environment in which they grow up. Not in vain are many schools where they teach it from a very early age.

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