Know The Uses You Can Give To Toothpaste To Clean At Home

When we clean our house we want the effort that we put in and use in that cleaning activity to be rewarded. There are many tricks and home remedies that help us clean the objects in our home efficiently and ecologically.

In this case we are going to talk about the applications of toothpaste to clean the house; It is a common product that is very useful to leave the house impeccable. Although it sounds incredible, toothpaste has many uses, especially for cleaning everyday objects.

Uses of toothpaste in cleaning the home

Without a doubt, toothpaste cannot be missing at home, since we use it daily for the care and hygiene of our teeth and gums. Dental hygiene is very important, as well as the cleaning of our home. We tell you how you can use toothpaste to clean in an intelligent and practical way and  remove dirt from every corner of your house.

Clean the shoes

First, you should clean the soles of the shoes and the rubber area, whether dark or white , with a brush. The first layer of dirt has to be removed with soap and water until it starts to look cleaner.

Next, dry with a clean cloth and then apply a layer of toothpaste with the help of your fingers. Using a small brush, scrub vigorously for two minutes, let the paste sit for an extra 5 minutes, and then remove the excess with a damp cloth.

Removes stains from carpets

If you have noticed that you have a large stain on the carpet and you don’t know when it is from, don’t worry: you can remove it effectively if you use your own toothpaste.

To remove it, apply a little toothpaste to the affected area   and rub with a brush until the stain disappears; You will see that it is easier than you think. If you consider it necessary, you can help yourself with a little warm water so that it is removed more easily.

Toothpaste for cleaning surfaces

One of the elements that gets the most dirty on a daily basis is the screen of our mobile, which is perhaps the object that we are using the most hours a day. Apply some toothpaste to a cotton swab and rub in a circular motion until the surface and screen gleam as if you just bought it.

  • The toothpaste is also effective for the lenses of our old diving glasses or the headlights of our car.
  • In the latter case, you will need the help of a brush to remove embedded dirt.

Remove the marks from the car

Who hasn’t hit or scratched the car? It is inevitable that, over time, marks appear on the body of our car. If you want to see it shine again and do not want to go to the mechanic, you can use the toothpaste.

  • Although it will not repair deep marks, it is effective for those made by rubber scuffs or more superficial scratches.

    It is good for keeping nails clean

    If you have run out of nail polish remover, you can use a little toothpaste, because it has anti-stain properties that are very useful in these cases.

    • Apply a little of that paste on the nails and massage until you see that the polish has been completely removed. It is a practical and very simple way to eliminate it whenever we are in a hurry.

    Returns the white color of your piano keys

    It may make sense for toothpaste to help bring the white back of piano keys, since piano keys are typically made of ivory, the same component as our teeth.

    Apply a little on the surface of the keys and, delicately, rub one by one until you see that they recover their natural and original white. Afterward, wipe off the excess with a soft, damp cloth.

    Clean your jewelry easily

    You can bring out your jewelry once you’ve cleaned it with toothpaste. It will leave them perfect, shiny and like new without any imperfections.

    • In the same way, you can use toothpaste to clean gold or silver items, such as chains, rings, earrings and all the cutlery.

    Eliminate the burn from your clothes iron or kitchen iron

    Toothpaste is good for removing stains caused by a burn on the plates. Try using a little toothpaste to clean the area: rub with a soft brush that does not damage the metal and you will see that it is gradually removed.

    This simple trick can also help you make the bases of your cooking plates look perfect again.

    Remove stains from walls

    Although it sounds crazy, you can remove those annoying stains from the wall without leaving others. If you have children at home and they have exceeded their creativity and inadvertently painted the walls, you can remove those stains and paints with the toothpaste tube.

    • Apply some toothpaste to the area and rub gently until it is completely gone.

      Remove glass marks from wooden tables

      When we gather the whole family around our dining table the next day we can find many undesirable stains, among which are the marks of the glasses.

      • If you want to restore the appearance of the wood on your table, apply a thin layer on the stains. Massage until all the paste penetrates inside.

      Cleaning procedure with toothpaste

      Whatever surface you want to clean, you must take into account a procedure so that the result is perfect:

      • First of all, you need to wipe the surface with a dry cloth, remove dust and large dirt.
      • With the help of a cloth or brush that you are only going to use for cleaning, rub the surface until the toothpaste has been absorbed.
      • You have to let it dry and act for a few minutes.
      • If it is whitish, you can remove the excess toothpaste with a damp cloth.

      As you can see, it is very practical to always have toothpaste on hand to clean; Beyond its original use, it is also capable of whitening the pieces of our piano or removing stains from the upholstery of our sofa.

      There is nothing like using everyday things to improve our cleaning at home. And you? What tricks do you use?

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