7 Ecological Measures That You Can Implement In Your Home

Taking ecological measures inside the home is not a task that requires too much effort or complications. First of all, we must be aware of the impacts that our actions can have on the environment. For better or worse.

You have to learn to be more responsible and have the will to make it a constant lifestyle. No matter how small the change may seem, its effects on the environment help reduce pollution and deterioration.

Here we give you 7 good tips so that you can start to improve the world right now. Do you dare?

7 ecological measures that you can implement in your home

Do not waste water

to waste water

to waste water

Despite the worldwide calls for attention about the responsible use of water, there are still many records of excessive spending and waste.

In case you didn’t know, a leaky tap can lose up to 30 liters of water a day. If we add to this not turning off the faucet when brushing teeth or shaving, we must know that 10 more liters are lost.

One of the savings measures is to regularly check all the taps, take short showers and run the washing machine with full loads of clothes.

Separate garbage

A little over 50% of what we consider junk is actually not. The drawback is that many make the task of recyclers difficult because they do not have the good habit of separating garbage in containers for each type of waste.

It is important to learn to differentiate each type of material and separate them by categories of recyclable and organic.

Use reusable containers



Plastic garbage bags are no longer in style and some countries have already banned their use. Not only are they more expensive in the long run, they are polluting and take many years to break down.

The solution to never use them again is to purchase a reusable aluminum or plastic container. This can be disinfected several times a week so that it does not accumulate bacteria or bad odors.

Using cloth bags

In recent years the trend has grown to use cloth bags instead of plastic ones as they are thinner and can be used hundreds of times when going to the market.

The bags are made of nylon and other materials allowing to store food and products in a safe and practical way. Make sure to clean them after each use is finished so they are ready for a next purchase. Don’t go out without them!

Take care of energy consumption

energy consumption

energy consumption

Something as simple as turning off the bulbs that are not being used and reducing the use of electronic devices can make a significant contribution to the environment.

Yellow bulbs are a thing of the past and should be replaced with low-energy ones whenever possible. These measures will not only make you feel better, but will show up on your monthly bill.

Recycle and reuse as much as possible

The practices of recycling and reusing are easy to incorporate, they represent the best way to reduce the number of waste. Many of the materials and elements that no longer serve us at home can be transformed into something else, or they can serve someone else.

If you are not good at crafts with recycling objects, take the material to a specialized center so that they can give it its corresponding use.

Use ecological cleaning products

ecological cleaning products

ecological cleaning products

The daily use of ecological cleaning products is a great choice to reduce environmental impact and water pollution. Unfortunately, these effective commercial hygiene items are full of chemicals that are harsh to health and the environment.

The good news is that most can be replaced by ingredients of natural origin whose properties facilitate cleaning and disinfection tasks.

Among the recommended ones, the following stand out:

  • Baking soda.
  • The white vinegar.
  • Borax.
  • Hydrogen peroxide.
  • Lemon juice.
  • The salt.
  • Essential oils

As you can see, it is very easy to start taking care of the environment from everyday activities at home. Take into account the above recommendations and turn them into habits for every day.

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