4 Homemade Acne Masks

The yeast and beer mask is suitable for all skin types. Thanks to its ingredients, it gives us firmness and helps purify toxins and reduce excess sebum. What other natural masks can we make at home?

Skin that suffers from acne requires specific care to remove excess sebum and dead cells and toxins from the skin. They also need products that purify and disinfect; here we offer some natural acne mask options.

In this article, we  share four great facial masks that you can prepare at home, easily and with totally natural ingredients. Forget about chemicals, which are too aggressive in the long term, and discover the great benefits of these ingredients.

How do acne masks work?

Natural acne masks should be applied once a week. If we have very oily skin, we can apply them even twice. The procedure is the next:

  • Wash the face well and perform a gentle exfoliation with a little salt or sugar, massaging the skin in the form of circles. You have to insist on the oiliest areas and avoid scratching the skin where there is acne.
  • Rinse the skin with water and dry it well.
  • Apply the mask avoiding the eye contour and leave it to act for 20 minutes.
  • Then wash and dry your face  and immediately apply a non-greasy moisturizing lotion. We can use, for example, jojoba oil or coconut oil; Although they have an oily texture, they are the least fatty that we can find.
  • If the skin is excessively oily,  you can apply a little natural aloe vera.

1. Aloe vera and lemon mask

Aloe vera is a plant well known for its moisturizing and healing properties. Its gel is usually sold in pharmacies and herbalists, but it is always better to have the plant at home; thus, we can obtain it directly by cutting one of its stalks when we need it.

To use it, the stalk must be peeled and the gelatinous mass removed.  This has to be washed very well to clean of other irritating substances that are between the penca and the gel. In this anti-acne mask we will also use lemon, since it has a great cleansing, purifying and eliminating power of excess oil.

Preparation consists of the following steps:

  • Mix the natural aloe vera gel with lemon juice:  We can also use the zest of the skin if the lemon is organic.
  • Beat the ingredients well:  Add more lemon juice or more aloe until you get the right consistency for the mask.

lemon zest Emily Barney

2. Green clay

Clay is a remedy used since ancient times to extract toxins from the body and, at the same time, provide it with minerals. We can use it both in cosmetics and in health to relieve pain and inflammation.

Formerly, clay was used directly, since it was clean; However, nowadays we recommend buying it at any herbalist or parapharmacy.

By commenting before, clay is very effective in fighting acne; It helps us to extract the harmful substances that cause acne and, in addition, it reduces its inflammation. For its use, these steps must be followed:

  • Mix the powdered green clay with warm water:  We will add it little by little, until we get a spreadable texture that does not drip easily.
  • Use glass, wooden or ceramic utensils: Plastic and metal should be avoided.

3. Yogurt and tea tree

This mask is ideal for combination or oily skin with impurities or acne, thanks to the properties of its two ingredients. Yogurt hydrates the skin without adding fat, which is why it is ideal to avoid drying out combination skin and also to refresh the skin in hot weather.

On the other hand, tea tree essential oil has been recommended in recent decades to fight all types of infections. The proportions for this mask will be 15 drops of essential oil for each natural yogurt, without sugar, sweeteners or colorings.

4. Brewer’s yeast and egg white

This curious option within the anti-acne masks  combines the virtues of two foods that are very beneficial for all skin types, especially those that tend to accumulate fat.

Brewer’s yeast helps us purify toxins that accumulate in the skin and is rich in minerals such as silicon, essential for a young and firm complexion. For its part, the egg white provides firmness and reduces excess sebum.

To prepare it, you just have to mix both ingredients until you get the right texture. The yolk of the egg is not used in this case, but we emphasize that its use in a mask is ideal for dry skin.

With the application of these anti-acne masks, in a short time you will achieve radical changes in the affected skin. In addition to being natural solutions, they are inexpensive and easy to apply!

Images courtesy of Emily Barney and The Style PA

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