Orange Smoothie With Pumpkin, Grapefruit And Mango To Lose Weight

Did you know that grapefruit is one of the fruits with the lowest calorie content but richest in vitamin C, fiber and antioxidants? It also stands out for its anti-inflammatory properties

The orange smoothie with pumpkin, grapefruit and mango is a rich and sweet drink that will make you lose weight and feel satisfied during the day.   This orange smoothie contains high amounts of vitamin C, thanks to mango and orange, and fiber and beta-carotene, thanks to pumpkin and grapefruit.  

Next, know the benefits of each of its ingredients. At the end we share the recipe so you can prepare it at home, easy and fast.

Grapefruit benefits


Half a grapefruit contains 64% of the recommended daily allowance (RDA) of vitamin C, as well as small amounts of protein, vitamin A, manganese, thiamine, folic acid and magnesium.

Also, grapefruit is high in fiber and water with only 52 calories, making it one of the least caloric fruits.

Grapefruit also contains a wide variety of antioxidants. One of these is lycopene, which has been shown to reduce the risk of prostate cancer . It also provides us with flavonoids, which have anti-inflammatory properties.

In this orange smoothie, the grapefruit provides moisture to the other ingredients and makes the blending process easier.

Mango benefits

Mangoes help with weight loss because they contain phytochemicals that prevent fat cells from expanding their walls, thus preventing weight gain.    They also contain malic acid and tartaric acid. These two elements keep the body alkaline and reduce the risk of gaining weight caused by insulin resistance.

A whole mango contains 3 grams of fiber and can help with the removal of matter from the intestinal walls, which helps with the detoxification process.

The fibrous flesh of the fruit acts as a natural carbohydrate blocker, helping to maintain the sugar levels stable blood.

Its natural probiotics promote a healthy gut and help reduce belly fat. Just one cup of mango (165 g) contains:

  • 75% of the RDA for vitamin C.
  • 25% of the RDA for vitamin A.
  • More than 25 carotenoids different that help fast recovery after exercise.

In this orange smoothie, the mango has the thickening function that adds body to the smoothie and makes it creamy.

Pumpkin benefits


Pumpkin is higher in calories and carbohydrates than other vegetables of its kind, but it also has more dietary fiber. One cup of pumpkin (116 g) contains 115 calories and 9 grams of dietary fiber .

  • Dietary fiber helps satisfy your appetite and lose weight by slowing the rate at which your body absorbs sugar and glucose.
  • This keeps blood sugar levels stable and discourages the body from releasing unwanted insulin that will store fat.
  • Also, pumpkin is full of potassium. 1 cup of pumpkin contains 564 mg, which is three times more than a medium banana.
  • Pumpkin also has large amounts of vitamin A, alpha-carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin that help maintain healthy eyesight.

In this orange smoothie, the pumpkin helps to improve the texture, adding a creamy consistency and a sweet touch.

Orange benefits

The orange helps to have better digestion and relieves gas and bloating of the stomach. Through the citric acid in the orange, the digestive system is regulated, better assimilates the nutrients and facilitates the digestion of food.

It also contributes to liver health. This is good for weight loss, because a healthy liver works faster and therefore reduces stomach bloating and indigestion .

  • It is a fruit with a large amount of fiber that makes the metabolism work faster, increasing the consumption of calories.
  • It also provides vitamin B, a nutrient that increases lipolytic action. That is, it naturally removes cellulite and toxins from the body.

This is very helpful, as the rest of the ingredients in this orange smoothie can accelerate the appearance of stretch marks.

Orange smoothie recipe


Ingredients (Makes 2 servings)

  • ½ cup of pumpkin (58 g)
  • ½ cup of mango minced (82.5 g)
  • 1 teaspoon of cinnamon (5 g)
  • ½ orange into wedges
  • 5 walnuts
  • ½ cup of grapefruit juice (125 ml)
  • ½ cup of water (125 ml)
  • Ice (to taste)


  • Cut the mango and squash into chunks.
  • If the squash is too tough, you can boil it and then reserve it in the refrigerator until it’s time to use it.
  • Blend all the ingredients until you get a creamy and homogeneous consistency.
  • The walnuts can be incorporated into the preparation or chopped separately and added on top to decorate the smoothie.

    You can make this orange smoothie ahead of time and store it in the refrigerator (up to 24 hours), or freeze it in ice cube trays for later use.

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