3 Recipes For Chocolate Thread

Below we show you three variants of chocolate thread so that you can choose your favorite.

1.-Chocolate thread with cocoa powder very easy


  • 2 natural yogurts (We will use the glasses as a measure)
  • 1 pinch of ginger (optional)
  • 2 cups of pastry flour yogurt
  • Butter to line the mold
  • 2 glasses of yogurt with Cola Cao (cocoa powder)
  • 2 cups of yogurt with sugar
  • 1 glass of yogurt with sunflower oil
  • 3 medium eggs
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon or vanilla
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder

 Preparation mode:

  • 1-First, mix the yogurt, sugar and yolks. We advise you to do it with rods.
  • 2-Add the oil and stir again.
  • 3-Add the sifted flour, cocoa and yeast to the previous mixture.
  • 4-Assemble the whites until stiff and add them little by little to the mixture.
  • 5-Pour the mixture into a donut-shaped mold greased with butter. We advise you to use a silicone one so that you can unmold it easily.
  • 6-Preheat the oven to about 170º and leave your thread for about 35 minutes.

2.-Thread with tablet chocolate

This recipe is as simple as making a cake in a donut-shaped mold, you can also make it out of chocolate like the previous recipe. When you have it ready and warm, add the melted chocolate to the bain-marie. Choose a special chocolate to melt, dark or with milk, as you like best. You can melt the chocolate with a little liquid cream and butter, it will be much richer and smoother.

The measurements are:

  • 150 grs. chocolate to melt
  • 150 grs. icing sugar
  • 125 ml. liquid cream
  • 50 grams of butter

3.-Chocolate thread with Choux pastry

Ingredients for choux pastry:

  • 250 ml. of water
  • 125 grs. Of flour
  • 80 grams of butter
  • a pinch of salt
  • 1 teaspoon of sugar
  • 4 eggs

Ingredients for the stuffing:

  • 150 grs. chocolate to melt
  • 150 grs. icing sugar
  • 125 ml. liquid cream
  • 50 grams chocolate to melt
  • 50 grams of butter

Preparation mode:

For the donut:

  • 1- First, put the water, butter, sugar and salt in a saucepan.
  • 2-When it starts to boil, add the flour, all at once.
  • 3-Stir until the dough comes off the saucepan.
  • 4-Add the eggs one by one. Do not incorporate an egg until the previous one is not well diluted in the dough.
  • 5-Let it rest for 30 minutes.
  • 6-Put the dough in a pastry bag and make a donut on the buttered baking sheet.
  • 7-Put the thread in the preheated oven at about 175ºC for 35-40 minutes.

For the filling:

  • 1-Melt the chocolate together with the butter in a double boiler.
  • 2-Add the liquid cream and sugar while stirring the mixture and at very low heat without boiling.
  • 3-Let the filling cool.

To end:

Cover the donut with the chocolate.

Ideas and tips for your chocolate thread:

Chocolate Cheesecake

  • You can accompany your thread with chocolate syrup and whipped cream. You will have something similar to brownie.
  • You can also put a scoop of vanilla ice cream on it, it makes a delicious contrast.
  • You can also garnish your bagel with grated coconut, rolled almonds, icing sugar, chocolate shavings, or noodles / caramel balls.
  • If you want to give it a special touch, decorate your thread with whipped cream and cherries. The color contrast is very nice.
  • Do not open the oven while you have your cake inside.
  • You can fill your thread with whipped cream, creme anglaise …
  • A thread that is super elegant is with icing sugar (when the thread is cold) sprinkled with templates with Christmas, children’s motifs, etc. and served in a pretty lace on a cake stand with a glass lid.
  • Put the cookie sheet in a low position but not on the bottom of the oven.
  • Always have the oven preheated before inserting the thread. Ideally, at 200ºC for about 5 minutes. When you have the cake in the oven, you can lower the temperature to 170ºC.
  • Always sift the flour and do not add it all at once, but little by little.
  • Sift the yeast as well.
  • When it’s ready, let it cool for 10 minutes in the pan. Then you can take it out and unmold it.
  • If you want your thread not to harden,  wrap it in plastic wrap and put it in the fridge, you will see how it holds.
  • If you are going to make the recipe with choux pastry, do the steps as indicated.

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