Fatty Liver Disease: What It Is And How It Can Be Treated

To accompany medical treatment, you can use ingredients to help purify the liver; such as herbal teas, fruits and vegetables.

Hepatic steatosis, known as “fatty liver disease”, is a reversible condition that usually disappears when some daily habits change. Although it is not normal, it is not serious if the doctor treats the problem in time.

Some natural remedies can be effective in helping improve liver function. That said, discover in this article the characteristics of this ailment and how it can be fought

Characteristics and types of fatty liver

This ailment occurs in those people whose fat level in this organ represents between 5% and 10% of the liver weight. In most cases, it is suffered by people with diabetes or people who are overweight.

As explained by the Catalan Association of Hepatitis Patients, this disease can be classified into two types:

  • Fatty liver from alcohol: the cause is excessive alcohol consumption. It is the earliest stage of a liver disorder, such as cirrhosis (late stage of liver healing).

    The liver, being unhealthy, cannot break down fats and they accumulate. If the patient stops alcohol in time, the condition may improve (after six to eight weeks of abstinence). However, if the person continues, other more severe complications can occur.

    Fatty liver

    Natural remedies to fight fatty liver

    Before starting, it should be said that medical consultation is essential and only the professional will be able to recommend an appropriate treatment after analyzing the situation of each patient.

    On the other hand, in addition to taking advantage of home remedies, it is necessary for the person suffering from this condition to make some changes in their daily life. Above all, as specified by several researchers from the University of Medical Sciences of Iran, in relation to their diet and excesses related, for example, to drinking alcohol.

    Liver recovery can take time if the patient does not commit and does not leave what puts this organ at risk. Along these lines, the most effective home remedies to accompany these changes and complement medical treatment are the following.


    • Medlar: its benefits are known for different ailments, including fatty liver. This is because, according to a study carried out in 2019, it improves liver functions and helps to purify the body. Have some fruits for dessert.

      Medlar for fatty liver

      • Grapefruit or grapefruit: it is good for patients with fatty liver due to one of its main components: naringenin, which activates the chemicals responsible for oxidizing fatty acids. Also, according to experiments carried out on animals, it serves to decrease body fat and attenuate metabolic syndrome. Two factors that are often related to this disease.

      Vegetables and greens

      • Artichoke: although this vegetable has several benefits for the body, there is still a lack of evidence to confirm its effects to improve liver health. But what is certain is that it does not have too many calories and helps regulate blood sugar. In general, it is recommended to consume it at least twice a week in light preparations, cooked or baked.
      • Radish and beetroot: according to research carried out in 2017, both should be incorporated into the diet because they have antioxidant properties, are nutritious and provide few calories. Radish can be consumed raw or grated in salads and beets are boiled for salads or as a side.
      • Chicory: it has been used in a traditional way to help with digestive discomfort. A popular recipe for its consumption is the following: wash and chop a kilo of tender chicory root; go through the blender, place in a saucepan and add half a kilo of sugar. Boil to a syrup-like consistency. Afterwards, keep it in a glass bottle with a hermetic seal and drink a teaspoon per day ( consult your doctor before consuming it ).

      Medicinal plants

      • Milk thistle: it is a plant that, according to several gastroenterologists in the United States, is used as a natural remedy for fatty liver problems. According to traditional medicine, its dried leaves are used to make an infusion that protect and improve its functions. Consume three cups a day, with a tablespoon of milk thistle in each.
      • Dandelion:  According to research conducted at the University of Rijeka, it helps cleanse the liver and improve liver health. Popular beliefs advise consuming three cups a day of an infusion made with a tablespoon of dandelion for every ¼ liter of boiling water.
      • Boldo: a study published in 2008 confirmed that it serves to protect the liver; facilitating recovery from diseases related to this organ. Boldo tea can be consumed after meals because it also helps with digestion.
      • Ginger: according to data from research published by the Nutrition and Metabolism Journal , it would also be used to combat fatty liver; as it contains antioxidants that help reduce triglycerides. It is advisable to make a tea by crushing two teaspoons of its root in a cup of boiling water. Let it sit for a few minutes and drink before it cools down. It can also be used grated in salads.

        Treating fatty liver disease early is key to not aggravating the problem

        It is true that eating a balanced diet and leading a healthy lifestyle are two key factors that will make you gain health. But do not forget that the natural remedies recommended here must be complemented by the prescribed treatment with prior medical approval.

        If you have the slightest suspicion of fatty liver, consult a specialist to obtain an accurate diagnosis. In general, it is a problem that can be solved if it is detected in time ; But don’t let your guard down

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