Habits To Have A Happy Partner

Is there a formula to be a happy couple like the one in the stories or movies? Is there a secret kept under a thousand keys to achieve the long-awaited fulfillment in a relationship? In this article we will tell you some habits that you can put into practice so that your life together is wonderful.

How to be a happy couple?

It is one of the “million dollar questions” and the good news is that there are different techniques or habits that can answer it. It is just a matter of committing yourself and doing everything possible to make the relationship the way we want it. Take a look at the following tips.

1. To be a happy couple: go to bed together

This means that they owe priority to the relationship above all things. Going to bed at the same time is an activity that strengthens bonds and increases complicity. At that moment you can take advantage of it to talk about our feelings, our fears and our projects.

If, on the other hand, one of the two goes to bed earlier and when the other arrives he is already asleep, it is more difficult for the situation to be conducive to starting a conversation.

2. Have common interests

Have common interests

The moment you met, you were probably struck by everything that you hit it off with. With the passage of time these tastes or interests may have changed. One of the main problems of today’s couples is that each one does their activities without sharing with the other.

It is not necessary that you like the same things but, at least during certain times of the day, you can be together and enjoy your free time.

3. Greet as many times as necessary

Shows of affection are never enough. It is not enough to say “have a nice day” before leaving for the office. Physical contact is essential.

A kiss or a hug every time we say goodbye or meet can improve the relationship. Unhappy couples do not usually greet each other at any time of the day, not even after they have spent hours apart.

4. Spending time alone

When you have a family it is more difficult to find a moment to be alone. If we add to that the obligations and daily activities, there are fewer and fewer spaces available to spend with our partner and no one else.

We should try to reserve at least one hour a week where nothing bothers us. We can have dinner at a restaurant on Friday night, take a walk in the park, or watch a movie on television. The important thing is that there are no other companies.

5. Prevent arguments from growing to be a happy couple

How many times has it happened to us that we start arguing over something unimportant and then it turns into a fight with screaming or crying? This happens because one thing leads to the other as if it were a snowball that is getting bigger and bigger. We must focus on the issue at hand and do everything we can to fix it. You have to be objective and not “beat around the bush”.

  • For example, if the problem is lack of money, let’s not continue the dispute by talking about personal relationships, children, etc. (unless they are directly linked to the main topic).

6. Express feelings

Express your feelings

Everyone likes to receive compliments and compliments but especially if they come from the person we love.  It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been together: try from time to time to say something nice to the other person.

  • “That tie looks good on you.” “I love how your dinner turned out.” “Today you look more handsome than usual.” “How pretty you are in that dress”, etc.

7. Laugh together

A sense of humor is one of the keys to having a happy partner. It is, without a doubt, a fundamental instrument that increases the complicity between both and that helps in adverse situations.

  • Laughing at anything indicates that the relationship is healthy, has a certain intimacy and that both members work as a team.

8. Maintain privacy

After going through the “honeymoon” stage, the relationship may deviate a bit from sexuality. The passage of time, the arrival of children, problems or daily obligations take us away from intimacy.

However, we can enjoy intimacy in another way, such as sleeping hugged, sharing knowing glances, saying nice things, etc.

9. Ask for what it takes to be a happy couple

Ask for what you need

It is a very common mistake to believe that the other should know very well what we want or need. Although it is true that in a long-term relationship the tastes and interests of the couple are known, we cannot be “fortune-tellers” either. It is therefore essential to say and ask.

This means leaving nothing to chance or guesswork, as this can lead to more problems than solutions. By talking openly about our needs, our feelings, or what we expect from the other, there will be no misunderstandings. We can even talk without problems about somewhat “complicated” topics such as money, in-laws or raising children.

10. Have projects together

It is necessary to define what are the goals that can be achieved as a couple and also those that, despite being individual, need the support of the other.

It is very important to talk about the future to establish the (approximate) dates when the biggest projects will be carried out, such as getting married, having children, moving or traveling. Do you follow these habits to be a happy couple?

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