Yogurt Flan With Fruits

The yogurt flan with fruits that we teach you today to prepare is a low-calorie, nutritious and perfect dessert to fill the stomach and satisfy cravings without later regrets.

It is a fake flan made of natural or Greek yogurt and unflavored gelatin that is then sweetened and enriched with fresh fruits. It is much lighter than the traditional flan recipe.

This fruit yogurt flan contains little sugar. It is the fruits that give the color and flavor to this summer dessert, perfect to accompany hypocaloric diets and continue consuming foods full of flavor.

Recipe for yogurt flan with fruits

Read on and you will see how easy it is to prepare this dessert, the ingredients of which you surely already have in your kitchen pantry.


  • 400 g of natural yogurt.
  • 200 g of condensed milk (or heavy cream)
  • 2 tablets or 15 g of unflavored gelatin powder (hydrated with 150 ml of water)
  • 150 g of fresh fruits or fruits in syrup (red fruits, peaches, kiwi, etc)
  • To sweeten: 50 ml of honey or sweetener


  • Four individual containers of flaneras
  • A spacious container
  • A medium pot
  • A chef’s knife



  • First, take the gelatin powder or tablet and hydrate it with approximately 100 ml of warm water.
  • Then, in another container, put the yogurt and mix using the mixer at maximum power. You can also use the blender.
  • Next, add the heavy cream or condensed milk to the yogurt.
  • Later, add the honey (or sweetener).
  • Then add the hydrated gelatin to the yogurt with honey.
  • Next, cut the fruit into small pieces (fruit salad).
  • Also, you can simmer the fruits with sugar if you want syrup to form. Otherwise, add them directly to the flan.
  • Pour the mixture into individual gelatin jars and refrigerate for three hours or until the yogurt and fruit flan is solid.
  • Finally, when serving, accompany with more chopped fruits and honey threads.

Have you seen how easy it is to prepare this delicious dessert that you can make quite interesting variations of?

Data of interest:

  • There are those who substitute gelatin and cream for eggs and sugar. The result is obviously sweeter and more flavored with flan than yogurt. However, it is still an extraordinary option.
  • Yogurt can be replaced with a vegan substitute. You could also substitute the yogurt for almond milk.
  • Hydrate the gelatin very well and mix all the ingredients so that we have a smooth and creamy flan texture, without lumps.
  • If you like sweets a lot, you can make a caramel and add it to individual containers before adding the yogurt.
  • You could also add to the fruit syrup, syrups, food coloring to bring out the color and liqueurs to add contrast to the flan. It all depends on the intention you are looking for with the final dish.
  • A yogurt flan with mango and pineapple is a delight, as well as exotic.
  • In addition, when serving, you could also accompany it with nuts to give the dessert crunchiness.
  • You could also make a combination of yogurt flan with fruit jelly and fresh fruits. Although the preparation is more complex, the mix of textures and colors is worth it. The result will be a dessert with two colors and textures.
  • In the same way, condensed milk or heavy cream can be substituted for cream cheese, but remember then to add more honey or sugar.
  • In the kitchen , fruit cubes from 4 mm to 6 mm are known as Macedonian cut. Fruit salad cut into cubes accompanied with sugar, liquor and juices is also called Macedonian.

fruit yogurt

Information about yogurt

Yogurt is a derivative that is achieved by boiling and then fermenting milk. It is of Turkish origin and quite long-lived. In fact, there are those who indicate that its origins date back to 4,500 years. Yogurt is a perishable product, so it is recommended to keep it refrigerated or in cool places. On the market there are firm yogurt and liquid yogurt, which is often a base for smoothies.

With gelatin and fruits, you will enjoy a healthy, light and very tasty dish.

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