Do You Have Gallstones?

The gallbladder is an organ of the digestive system, located under the liver, whose function is to store bile (a liquid substance that helps digest all fats). A poor diet or excess cholesterol can cause solid particles to develop that obstruct the flow of bile. These particles are known as “stones” or gallstones.

These solid accumulations (also known as gallstones) form from certain substances in the bile. They can obstruct the duct that leads from the gallbladder to the intestine, and that’s when problems can occur.

Who is affected?

People with poor eating habits are one of the main groups that can develop gallstones. They can also suffer from them, according to data from the US National Library of Medicine:

  • Women, because in pregnancy, high levels of estrogen decrease gallbladder mobility.
  • People suffering from obesity.
  • People suffering from diabetes.
  • Adults over 60 years of age.

Warning signs

An article in the MSD Manual points out that the main symptoms to which we should pay attention to later make a medical consultation would be:

  • Fever.
  • Sickness.
  • Vomiting
  • Jaundice.
  • Heaviness and other stomach discomfort.
  • Abdominal swelling
  • Pain in the back side of the back.
  • Pain in the right part of the abdomen.

Although these symptoms may indicate the existence of major problems (derived from gallstones and other issues), it is essential to see a doctor for an evaluation and timely diagnosis. One of the tests necessary to make the diagnosis is abdominal ultrasound.

Nutrition and hydration are key

Woman cooking and smelling food.

The American Academy of Family Physicians’ Trusted Medical Advice website notes that while gallstones cannot be prevented, maintaining good eating habits would be beneficial in minimizing the risk of the disease. In case these have already been diagnosed, diet will also play a big role in treatment.

Regular consumption of fruits and vegetables (such as radish, celery, and artichoke), whole grains, citrus fruits, and low-fat foods would help promote proper gallbladder function and good digestion. For this reason, it is usually recommended to take them, as far as possible, on a day-to-day basis.

On the other hand, it is suggested to replace red meat with white meat, steamed, grilled or roasted. Eating fish rich in protein and iron would also be a good option. Likewise, it is advisable to avoid carbonated drinks, sweets, alcohol and all kinds of excessive frying.

Ways to increase your fluid intake

It is often difficult to drink enough water throughout the day. To combat this problem, we can resort to consuming some natural beverages, such as green tea, chamomile infusion, and fruit juices.

If you suspect that you may be suffering from gallstones, go to your trusted doctor. No one better than him will be able to diagnose you and advise you on the best treatment for your condition.

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