Delicious Slimming Breakfasts With Just 200 Calories

Did you know that one of the keys to staying in shape is eating breakfast every day? Although many people have underestimated it, this first meal of the day is key to taking care of the figure. Therefore, today we teach you how to prepare some slimming breakfasts.

It is a series of alternatives with just 200 calories, which combine ingredients packed with nutrients to recharge the body with energy. They are ideal for those who have little time in the morning, since they are prepared in a matter of minutes, without difficulty.

Best of all, they prolong the feeling of satiety, reducing the need to have continuous “snacks” in the hours before the next meal. They are also light on the digestive system and lessen that uncomfortable bloating. Give them a try!

Weight loss breakfasts with only 200 calories

The weight loss breakfasts combine ingredients rich in antioxidants, fatty acids and essential amino acids. Due to this, its daily consumption supports the functions of the metabolism and improves the quality of life in general. Ready to prepare?

1. Multigrain bread with pineapple

Multigrain bread is a source of complex carbohydrates that serve as a source of energy. In this delicious breakfast we combine it with pineapple and cottage cheese to obtain a plus of antioxidants and proteins.

In addition, according to this study by the Taif University of Saudi Arabia, pineapple helps to reduce weight significantly.


  • Slice of multigrain rye bread
  • Fresh pineapple slice
  • 1 tablespoon of low-fat cottage cheese or cottage cheese (15 g)


  • First, put the slice of bread to toast and cut the pineapple slice into several pieces.
  • Next, put the bread on a plate and cover it with the tablespoon of cottage cheese and the pineapple chunks.
  • Accompany it with a glass of orange juice or an infusion.

2. Spinach omelette with cheese

Eggs are always an excellent option for making slimming breakfasts. Because of that, we propose a delicious omelette recipe with spinach and cheese. It is a preparation that makes a significant contribution of amino acids and good fats.


  • An egg white
  • 3 spinach leaves, chopped
  • Portion of panela cheese
  • Olive oil and salt (the amount needed)


  • To start, beat the egg white vigorously.
  • Brush a frying pan with olive oil and add the whipped egg white.
  • Season with a little salt and reduce the heat to a minimum.
  • Next, flip the omelette and add the chopped spinach, previously washed.
  • Leave it for a couple more minutes and remove it.
  • Top it with a thin portion of panela cheese and roll up.
  • Enjoy it with a slice of whole wheat bread and coffee or tea.

3. Oatmeal porridge with fruit

Oatmeal has many benefits for a complete and balanced breakfast. First, according to this study by Sichuan University (China), your carbohydrates superimpose energy and regulate glucose. On the other hand, its fiber improves digestion and fights constipation. In addition, it is a great option to lose weight.


  • 3 tablespoons of oats (45 g)
  • 1 cup of non-dairy milk (250 ml)
  • 3 strawberries, chopped


  • Pour the oatmeal and non-dairy milk into a saucepan.
  • Cook over medium heat until the oatmeal is done (about 15 minutes).
  • To finish, serve the oatmeal porridge and add the chopped strawberries.

4. Yogurt with blueberries

Weight loss breakfasts with yogurt are ideal for improving digestive health. Thanks to their probiotic content, they regulate the pH of the intestinal microbiota. They also provide protein and, therefore, help to gain muscle mass.


  • ½ cup of plain yogurt (125 ml)
  • 6 fresh blueberries
  • 1 teaspoon of chia seeds (5 g)


    • Pour the plain yogurt into a bowl and add the fresh blueberries.
    • Lastly, sprinkle with the teaspoon of chia seeds.

    5. Sesame bread with lemon and apple cream

    Sesame bread is very light on the digestive system and contains fiber that fights constipation. In addition, it is very low in calories and supports weight loss diets. We combine it with lemon and apple cream for a more complete breakfast.


    • Sesame bread slice
    • 2 teaspoons of lemon cream (15 g)
    • ½ chopped apple


    • Put the sesame bread on the plate and top it with the teaspoons of lemon curd.
    • Then top with the apple pieces.
    • Enjoy it with a cup of tea or coffee with skim milk.

    Do you dare to prepare these slimming breakfasts? If you have just adopted a plan to combat excess weight, do not hesitate to consider these recipes. As you can see, they are easy to prepare and, above all, nutritious.

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