Tips To Prevent The Appearance Of Hemorrhoids

There are several reasons why the annoying hemorrhoids appear. From poor diet to lack of exercise, to low water consumption or sitting too long. Learn more about how to prevent hemorrhoids from forming in the following article.

Hemorrhoids facts

Basically, hemorrhoids or piles are varicose veins that appear on the outside or inside of the anus due to increased pressure on the veins.

They are a fairly common problem among adults over 50, both men and women. In addition, in the case of women, they are more likely to suffer them during pregnancy.

The main symptoms of hemorrhoids are: pain when sitting, itching, burning, clots, inflammation, bleeding in the stool or bright reddish toilet paper and lumps in the anal area.

diagram of the rectum showing hemorrhoids

Some of the most common causes of piles are an incorrect diet, rich in fat and poor in fruits and vegetables, as well as a lack of vitamin C that can promote skin irritation by delaying healing.

They can also be caused by little physical activity, sedentary lifestyle and sitting for many hours, which causes accumulation of blood in the hemorrhoidal veins.

Other causes also include:

  • Constipation (going to the bathroom is more laborious, effort is made and that causes the vein to come out through the anal wall).
  • Increased pressure in the veins or poor circulation.
  • The pregnancy.
  • The obesity.

How to prevent hemorrhoids?

Keep the following tips in mind if you want to avoid or prevent the appearance of piles:

  • Control constipation and eating: it is convenient to eat a correct and varied diet. Put aside fats, fried foods, spicy drinks and alcoholic beverages, consume more fruits and vegetables, as well as vegetable oils, seeds and some nuts. Try to replace refined flours with whole grains, since the former can cause constipation and as a consequence of a prolongation of this picture, hemorrhoids.
  • Increase physical activity:   sedentary lifestyle is one of the main causes of this problem. If you spend several hours in a chair for your work, try to move periodically. Get moderate exercise at least three times a week: walking, running, jogging, or some sport, from swimming to tennis to aerobics. However, a discipline that requires heavy lifting, such as bodybuilding exercises in the gym , is not advised. These put excessive strain on the lower extremities, similar to what is done when going to the bathroom.

people played ball, exercise is good for hemorrhoids

  • Maintain a proper cleaning of the area: to avoid infections, mainly, and that it burns or itches. Do not use rough or irritating toilet paper or perfumed, it contains chemicals that can alter hemorrhoids.
  • Avoid being overweight or obese: there are many reasons why you should maintain your ideal weight. One of them is because that way you will avoid its appearance. Obesity produces an increase in pressure in the lower area and this worsens the situation. By losing weight, in a healthy way, you will relieve the pressure and avoid this problem.
  • Control hemorrhoids during pregnancy: the womb exerts great pressure on the veins in the area and prevents proper circulation. That is why women in sweet waiting are more vulnerable to hemorrhoids. It is advisable that every 4 to 6 hours lie on your left side of the body, so that the pressure decreases and thus reduce the swelling.

How to relieve hemorrhoids?

If hemorrhoids are not very severe, we can try to relieve them at home with home remedies. However, if after a while they continue and we feel discomfort, it is best to go to the doctor.

In addition to the changes in our diet and in our lifestyle that we have mentioned, there are certain traditional remedies that have been used for a long time to alleviate this ailment, but that are not scientifically proven:

  • The tomatoes, which, according to popular belief, should be placed in the refrigerator cold sliced and then apply directly to hemorrhoids.
  • Also the chard leaves are used in popular culture. Applying fresh to hemorrhoids is believed to help relieve pain.
  • The purple onion paste with three cloves of garlic and a little unsalted butter is also recommended for its antiseptic properties that could promote healing. It is blended into a paste and applied to the anus every night.

We also recommend:

  • In order to reduce the pain in case of external hemorrhoids, the first thing to do is perform a sitz bath with warm water for 10 minutes and a maximum of 30. Repeat several times a day until the discomfort subsides.
  • If they are very swollen, it is recommended to apply ice.
  • During the day when sitting, it is necessary to use a special cushion with a hole in the middle. They are bought at the pharmacy.

3 ice cubes, hemorrhoid remedy

What plants are suitable?

Purifying infusions to combat hemorrhoids can be made with yarrow, nettle or milk thistle. These have diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties that can help us to end constipation and thus improve hemorrhoids.

In each case , a decoction of a handful of the plant with water is made and drunk several times a day. This cleanses the body and can help us relieve pain.

On the other hand, it is believed that analgesic plants can help us alleviate this problem. Some of them are fenugreek, cardamom, gooseberry, blueberry, cypress, horse chestnut, witch hazel, mint, olive tree and blackberry. They can be used to perform sitz baths or wash the affected area after making an infusion.

However, we remember that these remedies are not a treatment, but an adjunct. The best way to end piles is to change our eating habits, exercise more and take care of our anal hygiene.

In addition, if we see that the ailment does not improve and that we continue to have discomfort, we should always go to the doctor.

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