How To Take Folic Acid In Pregnancy: 3 Tips

Eating a diet rich in folic acid during pregnancy is the best way to prevent neural tube birth defects. Find out how you can take vitamin B9 during pregnancy.

Doctors recommend starting folic acid supplementation at the time of pregnancy search. Now, do you know how to take folic acid during pregnancy?

Here are the best tips for consuming folic acid during pregnancy. You cannot miss them! Remember that the consumption of folic acid is essential to reduce the risk of the neural tube defect.

Why take folic acid in pregnancy?

Pregnant woman cooking with vegetables

Folic acid is a vitamin belonging to the B complex, also known by the names vitamin B9, folates or folacin. Its intake is essential to:

  • Help the body break down, use, and create new proteins. To do this, it works together with vitamins C and B12.
  • Prevent anemia, by helping in the formation of red blood cells.
  • Help produce DNA.
  • Prevent birth defects in the neural tube. This condition occurs in the brain, spine, or spinal cord.

The recommended daily intake in the months before and during pregnancy is 400 mg. It is extremely important that you respect the dose, since folic acid is vital for the proper development of the baby’s organs and tissues.

Tips for taking folic acid

1. Take folic acid supplements

A smiling girl takes a pill.

Visit your doctor and discuss the appropriate dosage for folic acid supplements. In general, a daily intake of 400 mg to 600 mg is recommended. He better than anyone will tell you if you should supplement your diet and in what amount.

Once you know the proper dosage, remember to take folic acid at the same time each day. A routine is what you need so you don’t forget to consume it. You can even place an alarm on your mobile to avoid oversights. Remember that if for any reason you have skipped your intake, you should not take two pills to “compensate”.

Store your supplements in a cool, dark place, out of the reach of children. When consuming it, accompany it with a glass of water. Many people take the pills with just a drink of water. From here we recommend you drink a whole glass : it will help you swallow the pill and you will stay hydrated.

2. Incorporate foods rich in folic acid into your diet

Foods with folic acid

The importance of taking folic acid in pregnancy is undeniable, so we recommend that you regularly consume foods rich in folates. Let’s see some good options below:

  • Green vegetables: spinach is the most recommended since its intake provides 63% of the required daily values.
  • Asparagus: did you know that one cup provides 60% of the necessary dose of folic acid?
  • Legumes: mainly lentils. Half a cup will provide you with 50% of the vitamin B9 you need during pregnancy.
  • Avocado: 30% of the daily necessary amount is covered with half a cup of this fruit.
  • Broccoli: it is rich in fiber, vitamin C, calcium and of course, folic acid.

Note : When possible, eat raw foods as cooking can affect the nutritional intake of foods.

3. Look at the labels when buying

Woman in supermarket reading a product label

Today, many foods are fortified with folic acid. You can make sure of their contribution by reading the labels. Among them, you will find breakfast cereals, flours, rice, pasta and much more.

As we always tell you, consult your doctor before starting any medication, even if it is only a vitamin. Keep in mind that the doses should be adjusted according to your needs. Also, certain medications can interfere with the absorption of some vitamins and minerals.

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