A Crisis Or End Of Relationship: How To Distinguish Them

It is really distressing not knowing if it is a crisis or end of relationship. Discussions are the order of the day and you wonder about the future of the couple. How is one stage distinguished from the other?

In theory, we should know how to identify when a relationship ends. But in practice, it is not always that simple and sometimes we need to analyze the situation very well. Is it a crisis or end of relationship? What characteristics does each of the options have? How do I distinguish between one and the other?

Keep reading that in this article we help you unravel the mystery.

What is a crisis in the relationship?

A good way to determine if it is something temporary or the end of the relationship is to know what are the characteristics of a relationship crisis. This can appear at different levels and for various reasons. For this reason, it is essential to pay close attention and carefully analyze our present.

A relationship is a dynamic system, which is made up of two people. Each of them evolves in a different way and has different experiences (past or present).

In certain circumstances that can affect both or just one of the team members is when crises happen. Perhaps it is due to lack of employment, the arrival of a child, an illness or a promotion at work. All of this has its effects on a relationship.

The crisis comes when these differences or disagreements between both parties are difficult to overcome or save; when they move away instead of uniting or in the event that it causes problems in one of the two that the other cannot help.

The main reasons for crisis then are incompatibility in terms of present and future, sexual differences, stress, financial problems and even jealousy. But without a doubt, the lack of communication and activities together are the triggers of this type of situation.

When can the end of a relationship be considered?

It is often believed that when a relationship ends one can know it in advance, intuit it or feel it. But sometimes we are very busy with other issues and we do not realize that the situation is insurmountable. There are certain unequivocal and quite specific signs to determine that a relationship is about to end:

1. Boredom

If we find it tedious, boring or unpleasant to spend time as a couple. Or also if any other type of company is preferred. Even when you have plans to go out, the desire does not appear. Another thing that disappears is sexual desire.

2. Indifference

We are not at all interested in what happens to the other beyond basic or health needs (that is not sick, for example). Indifference also manifests itself when we don’t even bother to get angry or argue. It is as if we have planted a white flag and we have given up.

3. Irritability

You are bothered by everything the other person does, even what you once liked or found funny. You experience the feeling that the partner does everything to annoy or get out of hand.

4. Lack of love

Surely you have heard the phrase ‘love is over’ many times. And perhaps it is a little difficult to understand, since we believe that we can love for all eternity.

However, to get to this point, many times it is because we have not done anything to get ahead. It is not now about looking to blame or feeling responsible; But when love ends, it is very difficult to continue, even with children or future plans.

So is it crisis or end of relationship?

All couples go through not one, but dozens of crises throughout their lives. This is because we continually change and must adjust to new circumstances. When we are in crisis we feel anguished, frustrated, hurt or angry … but deep down we hope that things will improve. That is the first difference with the end of the relationship.

Of course, because if we want things to end, we don’t even think of a possible solution to the problem (or problems). But if we are willing to do everything in our power to continue, then it is a momentary crisis.

It is also true that when we are in the midst of a crisis it is a bit difficult for us to glimpse a light at the end of the road, a flame of hope that helps us to move forward.

In order to determine if it is a crisis or end of relationship, one of the main attitudes we can take is to talk to the other. Nobody better than that person to evaluate all the doubts that we have or at least, to know their point of view.

What do we do once we have determined what the relationship is dealing with? Seeking help and finding the best way to get ahead, no matter what decision we have made.

If it is a crisis, we can do couples therapy, go on vacation alone, find the time to talk openly, organize ‘romantic dates’ or do a spiritual retreat for two.

Finally, in the event that the fate of the relationship is to break up, then what we should try to achieve is as diplomatic a way out as possible. This means trying to reach an agreement regarding the children, the savings, the car, the furniture and even the pets.

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