Aloe Vera Remedy To Raise Platelets Naturally

Raising platelets when we have them too low is not an easy task to achieve. However, some foods can help us, such as aloe vera or aloe vera. This plant has so many great medicinal properties, so it should not be missing in our home.

Discover in this article why it is important to raise platelets and how we can achieve it with the aloe vera juice that we teach you how to prepare here. In addition, we present other foods that can further enhance this treatment to improve our health.

A healthy platelet level

Platelets are essential for good blood clotting. For this reason, when they are too low – known as thrombocytopenia – we run a higher risk of bleeding, both internal and external, in the event of injury.

Therefore, if your platelet levels are a bit low, but within the range of what is healthy, it is the ideal time to take a remedy like the one we propose in this article.

It is good to note that this type of remedy is suitable for prevention and to raise platelets when they are a little low. However, it is not recommended to carry out any treatment without medical supervision, even if it is natural, when the levels are below normal, if you suffer from any disease or in medicated people.

Aloe vera, orange and honey remedy

Remedy with aloe to raise platelets

This remedy combines the medicinal effects of three excellent ingredients:

  • Aloe vera: Aloe vera is a remedy for almost everything, both internally and externally. The juice that is extracted from the leaves of this plant is very beneficial to raise platelets and, at the same time, to reduce inflammation, according to this study carried out by Isfahan University (Iran).
  • Orange: Orange juice, as well as other citrus fruits, is very rich in vitamin C. This nutrient facilitates the production of platelets, as suggested by this study by the Federal University of Paraíba. However, it must be natural juice, homemade and without sugar or other additives.
  • Honey: Honey is a natural antibiotic with antimicrobial properties, according to this research from the KPC Medical College and Hospital. In this case, because it increases the levels of platelets and red blood cells. It is always better to go for pure and organic honey.


  • ½ glass of aloe vera juice (100 ml).
  • 1 glass of natural orange juice (200 ml).
  • 1 tablespoon of pure honey (20 gr).


  • We can make our own aloe vera juice if we have the plant at home. In this case, the stalk should be peeled, the yellow and bitter substance that is between the outside and the gelatin removed and washed well. On the other hand, it is possible to buy it, but it must be pure juice without other ingredients.
  • Blend the aloe vera juice well with the orange juice.
  • Sweeten with honey.

How to take it?

Aloe vera remedy.

To carry out a natural treatment to raise platelets, we must take this remedy in the morning, on an empty stomach, half an hour before breakfast. Likewise, it is advisable to extend it for at least three weeks.

Ideally, repeat the treatment several times a year to maintain good platelet levels. Of course, it must be accompanied by regular medical checks.

To enhance the effects of this remedy, it is recommended to reduce or avoid processed meats and sausages, dairy products and alcohol. It is preferable to always consume organic food and, on the other hand, it is necessary to exercise caution when taking aspirin.

Other remedies to raise platelets

In addition to the juice that we have previously detailed, we can also include these foods in our diet to raise platelets and achieve faster results:

  • Papaya leaf : The leaf of the papaya tree is an excellent remedy for regulating platelets, as suggested by this research from the Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda (India). To consume it, you can liquefy a piece of leaf and sweeten it with honey, as it has a very bitter taste.
  • Green vegetables : Green vegetables are very rich in vitamin K, which improves blood clotting. For example, it is suggested to consume arugula, endive, broccoli, chard, spinach.
  • Coconut water:  The liquid inside fresh coconut is an excellent remineralizing drink for health. It gives us great hydration.
  • Garlic:  Raw garlic is another medicinal food with antibiotic properties (according to this study carried out by the University of Brawijaya, in Indonesia) and anti-inflammatory properties. We can liquefy it with gazpachos and vegetable juices to facilitate its consumption and digestion.

    As you can see, each ingredient provides its benefits for the overall well-being of the person. It is important to know how to use its properties to improve our health; of course, always under the supervision of the doctor.

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