Being A Caregiver, The Keys To Assisting Other People

The fatigue, both physical and psychological, to which the caregiver is subjected is often ignored by society. This can trigger high stress and anxiety situations.

Caring for a dependent person is often a very limiting process. Being a caregiver involves continual coping with stress caused by possible physical and psychological fatigue. In addition, they often go through difficult moments of misunderstanding, loneliness or lack of support from others.

However, at the other pole, there is the satisfaction of caring for a loved one who needs help. For this reason, it is common to experience an ambivalence of feelings that often include guilt or frustration.

Keys to being a caregiver

Elderly caring person

Ask for help

Often the caregiver tends to believe that the task is their responsibility and does not want to involve anyone else. In fact, you may even think that asking for backup would be annoying and irresponsible towards other people. It is important to know that human beings are not unbeatable and have the right to ask for help when they need it.

It is not convenient that the care of a dependent person falls to a single individual, due to the daily psychological and physical wear and tear that it entails. Therefore, it is advisable to establish agreements with other family members to take turns or make shared decisions. If you don’t ask for help, chances are you won’t get it.

Learn about the disease

Knowing the evolution, prognosis or course of the disease of the person being cared for will contribute to a better adaptation for future changes. You have to ask a  trusted professional to be aware of what is related to the condition and thus be able to carry out the work properly.

Read also: Caregiver syndrome: how to take care of the caregiver


Sharing your concerns with other family members is critical. This can help avoid making a hasty decision, in addition to helping the caregiver feel more accompanied and understood. Thus, concerns, difficulties, doubts can be exchanged …

Sleep and rest

Insomnia is a dangerous enemy for your heart.

The caregiver often suffers repercussions on their health and quality of life. The sleep schedule can be altered, since it has to adapt to the needs of a sick person, who, many times, cause awakenings during the night. This lack of sleep can lead to a number of long-term problems, such as irritability, inattention, or tiredness.

Therefore, it is necessary, as far as possible, to take short naps during the day. It is advisable to do it when the patient rests, in order to avoid setbacks.

To manage time

Often the caregiver has the feeling that a day is missing hours, since they have to balance and carry out a multitude of activities. Therefore, good planning of time and tasks will go a long way. To do this, you can use an agenda, make lists prioritizing what is most necessary, etc.

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Try to do physical exercise

Performing physical exercise helps to minimize daily stress and find yourself with more strength. Taking a walk can benefit both the caregiver and the sick person, if they can afford it.

Keep your mind active and find a space


By caring for a person, the caregiver may forget about hobbies and activities that reward them. For this reason, it is very important to plan the day, so that the caregiver can have their own space and combine it with the care of the patient.

It is not always easy to find someone to replace the caregiver for a few hours, but family or friends may be asked to help them do so for a while. If this is not possible, institutions, associations and social resource centers could be used.

Learn to relax

Relaxation exercises are a good method to help the caregiver achieve a psychological and physical balance, since they eliminate the feeling of stress or tension. Other useful techniques can also be meditation or yoga.

Have good communication with the sick person

Giving the patient the opportunity to start a conversation, respect their silences, know how to listen and avoid giving advice are some of the communication tools that the caregiver can use to have a good relationship with the patient.

In conclusion

The caregiver role can be strenuous, so ask for outside help when considering. Like the dependent person, the people who take care of you also have the right to enjoy a good quality of life.

With coordination, respect and understanding, all those involved in the care will be able to adapt to the situation and avoid derived problems, such as anxiety or depression.

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