Benefits Of Drawing For The Little Ones

The benefits of drawing are many and children love it. They do not care what they will say, they have no prejudices to show their drawings, or emotional or mental barriers when they create them.

With a few colors and paper, the little ones can work magic. Sometimes you will only see a few strokes. At other times you will see in your child a future Salvador DalĂ­. In addition, you can join in the creative activity and strengthen ties with your child. Isn’t that cool?

Small strokes, big benefits

Children drawing with a pencil-

Drawing allows them to strengthen the rational side of their brain, the left, and the emotional and creative side, which corresponds to the right side. As with play, drawing, the child feels the pleasure of movement.

When a child masters the movement and controls the graphic layout, they mature on a psychological, motor, intellectual and affective level. Drawing is a great skill that we can encourage in children since they are babies.

Drawing is a very complete technique, ideal to add to the education of our children, just like music. For this reason, we leave you the benefits that drawing brings to children, so that you can encourage your little artist.

1. Encourage imagination and creativity

They ignore what are the words on paper, so you can see them fall into fascination, when they observe stories with many colors and drawings. It is practically the language they understand.

When your child begins to draw, he opens the way to imagination, as shown in this study carried out by professionals from the University of Guayaquil. By drawing outlines on a sheet, he begins to represent characters and objects that he chooses from his environment. He also begins to verbalize what he does.

In this sense, you can use their drawings to support incredible and fantastic stories produced by their imagination. Take the opportunity to explore your little one’s world and ask him for his drawings; You will be amazed at the richness of his inventiveness.

2. Develops brain, eye and hand coordination

Child drawing with different colored paints.

The first strokes that he creates will be meaningless. At that time the child has not developed coordination between the brain, the eye and the hand. That is why your drawing will lack order and meaning and will come off the sheet of paper.

Let your child take the pencil as he wants, as he is experimenting. You will put a lot of pressure on your hand, the strokes will be made by moving your arm from your shoulder, and sometimes you will also move your whole body as if you were dancing with the pencil.

Little by little, the child perfects the drawing. Discover that the movements he makes are related to the lines he draws on the paper. Drawing develops fine motor skills, as it advances in the movement of the fingers, which will facilitate the writing process later. And this is evidenced by this work carried out by professionals from the Technical University of Ambato, Ecuador.

3. Mark the child’s growth

A child's hand drawing and colored paints to reap all the benefits of drawing.

Drawings also have stages and processes, such as when the child walks or begins to speak. The drawing goes through stages as the little one grows and matures, as it begins with uncontrolled strokes.

From the age of 18 months, approximately, the stage where the lines are more orderly follows, which lasts until 3 or 4 years. Then come the pre-schematic drawings up to 6 years of age.

It is the stage of the unforgettable big-headed human, a circle representing the head and two vertical lines representing the legs, common in this period. As soon as he makes the first representation of himself and his family, we guarantee that you will literally “die” of love.

4. Stimulates concentration and sense of observation

Among the benefits of drawing is also the incentive to concentration and perseverance, as this study carried out by researchers from the Los Libertadores University Foundation, Colombia points out. It helps them organize their ideas and the perception of their surroundings, since the little ones turn to what they know to draw.

This also stimulates the sense of observation. It makes the brain work through this process in order to represent reality on paper. Thus, it encourages the development of visual perception and abstract thinking.

5. Promotes your emotional intelligence, one of the benefits of drawing

Coloring or painting favors the emotional intelligence of children, since they learn to identify emotions that they can then capture on paper with their colors.

Among the benefits of drawing is that the mental health of the little ones is reinforced. This activity reassures and calms them, clears them of problems or complicated situations that they perceive around them and allows them to have fun and enjoy themselves.

When the little ones begin to dominate the graphic layout, they mature psychologically, emotionally, motor and affectively. This contributes to the formation of his personality.

 6.  Strengthen your self-esteem

Drawing, painting, or coloring strengthens your self-esteem. Children seek to stand out with their artistic prowess. That brings them joy and satisfaction. They feel like they are doing something important.

So, they proudly give us their first lines; for them it represents something historical, and for their development as well. This is why it is so important to encourage them and applaud their artwork.

Take advantage of this opportunity to show interest in what they paint and do. Drawing is one of his first forms of communication and expression. They are exploring a new language.

7. Develop sensitivity, another benefit of drawing

Child drawing with a pencil on a sheet to take advantage of all the benefits of drawing.

Through art, children create bridges between their feelings and their knowledge. One of the benefits of drawing is that children, by putting an image on paper, are modifying the world around them and their experience with it.

Drawing gives children the opportunity to create and develop sensitivity. They will be more willing to learn thanks to the expressive capacity they obtain in each stroke.

8. Bring the family together

As if that were not enough, to the benefits of drawing it is also added that it strengthens family ties. Drawing together with parents or siblings is also a way to stimulate affection and connection.

Take advantage of every occasion where you can draw together with your child. The little one will be fascinated to see mom, dad and siblings joining in that party of colors. What are you waiting for to distribute sheets of paper, paints and colored pencils to all the members of the family?

To enhance the benefits of drawing …

Never force your child to draw, if that is not what he wants at the moment. Since they are babies, you can bring the little ones to the colored paints that you can spread on a paper, but without forcing the situation. Respect their rhythm; The day will come when drawing or painting will capture your attention. Drawing is an activity that should be fully enjoyed. Let him choose the colors and what he wants to draw.

Let him create with freedom. Then, take the opportunity to explain what he draws. In addition to delighting in their phenomenal explanations, you will stimulate language development.

Also, always congratulate your child on the drawings he has made. You will see how his self-confidence grows and you strengthen his artistic skills. And, of course, identify each work of art with its name. You do not know if you are in the presence of a future genius of painting, although for you he is already a unique artist.

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