Breakfast Ideas To Reduce Arthritis Symptoms

The symptoms of arthritis are very common, perhaps too common, and yet we still do not fully understand it.  When we talk about it, the first thing we think of is the classic swelling and deformation of the fingers.

Now, talking about arthritis is not referring to a specific disease. In reality, there are more than 100 types of arthritis and different diseases associated with it. Furthermore, this condition does not only affect the elderly, there are also children with rheumatoid arthritis, and even athletes. Also, we cannot forget osteoarthritis, the most common type of arthritis where cartilage already loses strength and resistance.

One thing you need to assume is that arthritis is not cured; it is about every day to achieve, as far as possible, a better quality of life. Whether we suffer symptoms of inflammatory, infectious or metabolic arthritis, it is necessary to always have the advice of good professionals. For our part, we suggest something very simple and basic: that you take care of your diet. Starting with a proper breakfast can help.

The best breakfast to reduce arthritis symptoms

We know that taking care of our diet will not cure arthritis, but we do know that thanks to certain foods and their nutrients we can achieve certain aspects:

  • Reduce inflammation.
  • Strengthen our joints.
  • Nourish the cartilage.
  • Stimulate collagen production.
  • Strengthen the immune system.

Let’s see next, what foods we should include in our breakfast to start our days in the best way.

1. Red fruits

Berries to treat arthritis symptoms

The vast majority of fruits are, by themselves, very healthy. However, those that we put under the category of “red fruits” such as, for example, strawberries, cherries, blueberries, plums or red grapes, are very suitable in case we suffer from arthritis.

  • They are high in antioxidants, as well as ascorbic acid (a form of vitamin C). This last nutrient has been shown to be capable of increasing collagen synthesis.
  • The anthocyanins and carotenoids in red fruits, as well as their multiple compounds, help us fight free radicals that promote inflammation.
  • The ideal is to consume fresh fruit. However, as many of these fruits we do not have them throughout the year, do not hesitate to buy them frozen either. Although they have a lower vitamin load, they can also help us.

2. Coffee? Yes please

Don’t worry, coffee shouldn’t be lacking either in case you suffer from arthritis symptoms.

Taken in moderation and especially first thing in the day, it can be of great help.

  • Coffee contains antioxidant polyphenols. Thanks to this we protect ourselves from cell damage, fight inflammation and improve heart health. This is evidenced by an article published in Antioxidants .
  • To benefit from coffee, it is important to remember that we should not sweeten it with white sugar, cream or whole milk . Try adding, if you prefer, brown sugar, honey, coconut oil or a vegetable drink such as oatmeal.

    3. Whole grains

    Something highly recommended to remember is that foods that contain whole grains are preferable. Refined grains, meanwhile, have removed the bran and germ, where most of the vitamins, minerals and proteins are concentrated.

    In case of exceeding in the consumption of white bread or white flour, what we will achieve is that our joint inflammation increases. So, take note of the best options that you can include in your breakfast:

    • Amaranth. This grain has a high protein content, has a very pleasant flavor similar to walnuts and we can make delicious porridges or creams for breakfast with it.
    • The oats. An option that never fails. Combine it in a bowl of strawberries, apples and honey for a sensational breakfast.
    • Buckwheat. It has protein and you can prepare tasty crepes, pancakes and muffins with it.
    • Quinoa. This food is wonderful for fighting inflammation associated with arthritis.

    4. Carrot juice

    If you hesitate to choose a good natural juice for your breakfasts, take note: your best option is carrot.

    Its antioxidants, carotenoids, vitamins C, D and K and its multiple minerals will take care of your joints and have been shown to help promote collagen synthesis. It’s fabulous!

    5. Pistachios

    pistachio sweetbeetandgreenbean

    Surprised? It is possible that, in your case, you already consumed them: a good handful of pistachios a day to take care of your bones and joints.

    • Pistachios are an incredible natural source of protein that you should benefit from in case of arthritis.
    • They have calcium, magnesium, zinc, vitamin E, fiber, and alpha linolenic acid (ALA). All this allows us to strengthen the immune system.

    Take care of your diet to improve arthritis

    To conclude, we would like to add that the ideal in all cases is to maintain a varied and balanced diet.

    However, sometimes, prioritizing certain foods with anti-inflammatory properties and rich in vitamin C, can help us alleviate the symptoms of arthritis.

    It is worth taking it into account, for your health, for your well-being.

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