Can You Lose Weight With Maple Sap Syrup?

In recent years, maple sap syrup has gained popularity among consumers, especially after being recommended by celebrities as an ideal weight loss product. However, diets based on this product can be dangerous when it comes to health. Why?

While maple sap syrup contains essential minerals such as calcium, potassium, iron, zinc, and manganese, it is also a high-sugar food. In addition, used as the basis of a diet, it does not provide the nutrients that the body needs to function in optimal conditions.

So, although following the maple syrup diet can initially be useful for losing weight, it is still one of the so-called “miracle diets” that, after its completion, expose us to side effects. Here we tell you more about it.

What is maple sap syrup?

Maple sap syrup, also known as “maple syrup,” is a product obtained by drilling sugar maple trees, which generates a sap that is then boiled to produce a thick syrup. It is estimated that more than 80% of its production occurs in eastern Canada. The following study analyzes its production and composition in detail.

For some it represents a good alternative to white sugar, since it sweetens and supposes a slight contribution of nutrients, such as minerals and vitamin B. In addition, it contributes only half the calories of common sugar and is attributed detoxifying properties. In any case, there is no scientific article that evidences these properties.

An investigation even determined that maple syrup is a source of antioxidants. Despite this, the amount of antioxidants is considered to be low compared to the large amounts of sugar. 

Maple sap syrup diet: what does it consist of?

The maple sap syrup diet is a supposedly detoxifying and cleansing model of diet, since it involves a fast that helps eliminate accumulated waste in the body. According to its proponents, it helps the digestive system “regenerate”; however, there is no scientific evidence to support this fact.

For this cleansing and weight loss plan you will need to make a drink. These are the ingredients:

  • Juice of 4-5 fresh lemons
  • 14-20 tablespoons maple syrup
  • ½ teaspoon ground cayenne pepper
  • 2 liters of water

In what consist the diet

This diet lasts ten days and consists of a three-day pre-diet, the diet itself, and a three-day post-diet. They must be eliminated from the diet:

  • All animal proteins, that is, meat, fish, eggs and dairy.
  • Refined foods and sugars
  • Coffee, alcohol and tobacco.

Instead, it is recommended to consume, above all, fruits, vegetables and their broths, water and infusions without sugar.

Syrup to improve digestion.


  • Day 1: ½ liter of the maple sap syrup preparation. Fresh fruits and vegetables are consumed.
  • Day 2:  ¾ liter of the maple syrup preparation. Vegetable broths, and fresh fruit and vegetable juices.
  • Day 3:  1 liter of the maple syrup preparation. Grapefruit or orange juice.


  • Days 4-7: it is  only allowed to take the maple syrup preparation, water and infusions without sugar.


  • Day 8:  1 liter of the maple sap syrup preparation. Grapefruit  or orange juice  .
  • Day 9:  ¾ of the maple syrup preparation. Vegetable broths and fresh fruit and vegetable juices.
  • Day 10:  ½ liter of the maple syrup preparation. You can eat fresh fruits and vegetables.

Careful! It is an unbalanced and dangerous diet for your health

The promoters of the maple sap syrup diet claim that it is an effective method to lose between 5 and 10 kilos in 10 days. However, behind this supposed benefit there are some drawbacks that, in fact, expose health. Why is this diet not recommended?

Well, on several occasions we have highlighted the importance of maintaining a balanced and complete diet if we want to enjoy a balanced weight and good health. The maple sap syrup diet is just another type of “miracle diet”, in which dietary restrictions are made that can lead to health problems. Such a high caloric restriction can lead to a subsequent rebound effect due to the lack of control of the satiety and appetite mechanism.

As we were able to observe in this diet, there are deficiencies in nutrient sources such as healthy fats and proteins. If we add to this the number of days that it is carried out, we can affirm that it leads to a high exposure of having nutritional deficiencies, as in the case of fat-soluble vitamins.

The lack of nutrients can translate into hormonal uncontrols, fatigue, concentration problems and other symptoms that reduce the quality of life as stated in the following study. Likewise, once the diet is finished, it is likely that the lost weight will regain, since in many cases the “rebound effect” occurs, or the person returns to their bad eating habits.

What is the best way to lose weight?

Weight loss depends on many factors; Therefore, when looking for an effective method to lose weight, it is best to seek support from doctors and nutritionists. These professionals, like physical trainers, can help design a weight loss plan according to our individual needs.

Coinciding with a publication in the Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health , some strategies to maintain a healthy diet, not only to lose weight but to take care of health, are:

  • Emphasize the consumption of healthy unsaturated fats.
  • Increase the consumption of whole grains.
  • Increase your intake of protein and fruits and vegetables.
  • Limit your consumption of trans and saturated fats .
  • Avoid highly refined grains and sugary drinks.

In short, although maple sap syrup contains some nutrients and fewer calories than common sugar, it is not the best option if we want to lose weight. Although it initially works, its maintenance can lead to a nutrient deficit that is dangerous if we talk about health. Also, it is not an effective diet to achieve a sustained healthy weight.

So, if what we are looking for is to lose weight, the best are healthy alternatives, such as balanced and calorie-controlled diets. The best option will always be the one recommended to us individually by a nutritionist.

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