Can You Stop A Nosebleed? 7 Remedies That Help You

Many times we do not know how to stop a nosebleed, since we do not know home remedies or techniques that can help us.

Therefore, in the following article we will give you several strategies that can help you when your nose bleeds, whether you are at home, at work or in the middle of the street.

Why does a nosebleed occur?

When our nose bleeds it can be due to several issues, but it is triggered by a rupture in the blood vessels within the nasal cavity. This type of bleeding is very common since the veins are more than sensitive in that area.

In most cases, bleeding from the nose does not pose a risk to our health, as long as the bleeding is little and has not been caused by a blow or an accident. The main reasons for nasal bleeding are, according to this information from the United States National Library of Medicine:

  • Very cold or too dry air that irritates the skin and damages the vessels
  • Irritation from allergies or colds, also from sinus problems
  • Very strong cleaning of the nose, which causes ruptures in the nasal veins
  • Wounds, objects stuck in the nose, picking with the fingers
  • Smell highly irritating chemicals or products
  • Overuse of decongestant spray
  • Deviated septum, nose fracture

Home remedies to stop a nosebleed

It is very important to prevent nosebleeds by avoiding the situations that make it more prone. For example, keep the environments airy, do not abuse certain substances that unclog the nose or do not clean yourself vigorously.

Once the bleeding appears, as long as it is not caused by an accident or serious blow, the first thing you should do is sit upright. Next, press your thumb and index finger on the bottom of the nose (the softest).

Breathe slowly through your mouth and keep your head upright for a few minutes, until the bleeding stops. Other home remedies and techniques that can help you in this case are:

1. Cold cloths

As suggested by this study carried out by the Lozano Blesa University Clinical Hospital (Zaragoza), soak a cloth in water as cold as possible – it can also be with ice cubes – and place it on the neck and forehead. In this way the nervous system will react by contracting the blood vessels. You can also press the cloth on the soft part of the nose to achieve the same effect.

Another homemade recipe, perhaps indicated by grandmothers and mothers, consists of putting an ice cube in your mouth. In this way the blood vessels will be compressed more quickly and the flow of blood to the nose will stop.

2. Apple cider vinegar

Thanks to the astringent power of apple cider vinegar, you can repair the walls of the blood vessel that has been damaged and that causes bleeding. It acts as a powerful and very effective antimicrobial , as suggested by this research from Arizona State University (United States).

  • You just have to soak a cotton ball and place it very carefully inside the nostril.
  • Don’t apply pressure, just let it stay there for five minutes. You can repeat the procedure one more time if the bleeding continues.

3. Onion

To stop a nosebleed, this home remedy can be very useful. The vapors from boiled onions are believed to stop bleeding and are healing, as stated in this study by Mahidol University (Thailand).


  • 1 onion
  • 2 cups of water (500 ml)

What should you do?

  • It is as simple as cutting an onion in half and cooking it with a pint of water. Stand in front of the saucepan and breathe in slowly for a few minutes.
  • Another option with onions is to cut them into slices and keep them as close to the nose as possible.
  • You can also use a juicer and apply a few drops to the edge of the nostril.

4. Lemon

It is a perfect astringent with many properties to heal small wounds and prevent infections, according to this study carried out by the University of Chinese Medicine. If the bleeding is due to something trapped in the nose, for example, lemon can help seal damaged blood vessels.


  • The juice of 1 lemon
  • 1 cotton

What should you do?

  • Squeeze a lemon and soak in a cotton ball.
  • Place it inside the bleeding hole, without applying pressure.
  • It will probably burn a little, but don’t remove it until 20 minutes have passed.

5. Cayenne pepper?

It is believed to be a natural remedy to stop nosebleeds in seconds. However, this is totally false and can also be dangerous.


6. Salt water

You can buy saline solution at the pharmacy or directly prepare it at home.


  • 1 handful of coarse salt
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)

What should you do?

  • Add a handful of coarse salt to a cup of warm water and mix well.
  • With a dropper or similar, introduce a few drops into the nose when it bleeds. In moments the bleeding will stop as the salt water will act as a healing agent.

    7. Nettle tea

    Nettle is a plant with many medicinal properties that can help stop bleeding, according to this study carried out by the University of Sfax (Tunisia).


    • 1 cup of water (250 ml)
    • 3 tablespoons of dried nettle (45 g)

    What should you do?

    • Add the dried nettle to a cup of boiling water and let it infuse.
    • After letting it rest for five minutes, filter and wet a cotton ball, which you will place inside the affected nostril.

    Keep in mind that if the nosebleed does not stop with these home remedies and continues for several minutes you should see a doctor. The specialist will be able to help you and determine the reason for the bleeding. The same if your nose bleeds very often.

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