Causes And Remedies For Crow’s Feet

Crow’s feet are lateral orbicular wrinkles, that is, those that appear around our eyes. These are exaggerated if we squint. What they owe? How can we avoid or hide them? If you want to improve your aesthetics or eliminate these wrinkles in the eyes, it is recommended that you go to a specialist, who will help you with the most appropriate remedy in your case.

In this article we show you some natural remedies that, according to popular belief, can minimize them. In no case do you use them if it is not under medical supervision and remember that they are not a substitute for the dermatological treatment that they prescribe, but a complement.

Eye strain

Popularly, it is considered that one of the reasons why crow’s feet appear is the tension we have in the entire eye area. If we look closely, when we do not see well we tend to squint. This gesture, which slightly sharpens our vision, is believed to contribute to the appearance of these wrinkles, although many other causes may influence their appearance.

It is very common that we do it when we begin to suffer myopia or eyestrain. Many people do this by resisting going to the ophthalmologist or wearing glasses. For this reason, we recommend going to the ophthalmologist to solve vision problems and, under his supervision, perform eye relaxation exercises.  For example:

  • Several times a day we can splash the eyes with cold water: according to some publications, it is useful for toning the eyes and the surrounding tissues.
  • We will perform a gentle massage around the eyes daily: starting at the inner root of the eyebrows, we will press making small circles. Also, we will make the journey towards the external part of the eyebrow. Finally, we will descend and follow the contour until we reach the beginning of the eyebrow again.
  • When we spend hours in front of a screen, we will do the clapping. It is an eye relaxation technique that consists of rubbing the hands to warm them. Afterwards, we will rest our closed eyes on them for a few minutes. We will notice how the eyes are relaxing.

Weakened liver

Hepatitis, both the so-called toxic and those caused by viruses, can present different symptoms and levels of severity. According to studies, symptoms can begin within a few hours after exposure to toxins or weeks or months later. In both cases, the so-called jaundice, yellowing of the skin, nausea, vomiting or fever, among other symptoms, usually appears. 

Thus, it can be deduced how the skin is affected by systemic pathologies, in this case, liver diseases. Despite the fact that there is no scientific evidence of this, it is believed that this type of disease can have an impact on the creation of crow’s feet.

Among the causes that are attributed to this pathology are mainly three:

  • Viruses / Infections
  • An abnormal reaction to taking medications
  • Due to exposure to industrial or nautical toxic substances (for example, mushrooms).

How do we treat a weakened liver?

First, go to the specialist doctor. He will tell you which treatment is the most suitable for you. According to popular belief and always under medical supervision, you can take some foods in a complementary way that will help you prevent future complications.

The lack of silicon

According to medical research, when we ingest silicon through our diet, most of it accumulates in certain areas of the body. Specifically, in the aorta artery, along the trachea, in the tendons, bones, and skin. The main functions of silicon go through the formation of bones. This mineral has been found to be found poorly in diseases such as osteoporosis, hypertension, and Alzheimer’s disease.

Eye contour care

If you want to take care of the contour of your eyes, go to your dermatologist to help you choose the most suitable treatment for you. Maybe he offers you a skin treatment based on soft and natural organic products.

If you choose to use natural remedies, remember to always use them under medical supervision, since the eyes are a very delicate area of ​​the face. We recommend applying rosehip oil or argan oil daily, morning and night, although there is no scientific evidence to corroborate its effectiveness. These oils are popularly believed to be ideal for dry or mature skin and wrinkles.

veganbakingnet oil

veganbakingnet oil

In addition you can apply one of three remedies to relax the eye area, although there are no studies to support its effects:

  • Fresh cucumber slices
  • Raw potato slices
  • Chamomile bags that have been taken and later kept in the freezer.

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