Cosmetic Myths That Are Real

Although some cosmetic myths fall under their own weight, there are others that can raise doubts and whose veracity we must know to avoid problems when using the products

There is a wide variety of cosmetics, specific products to improve and protect your skin. It is a world in constant evolution that innovates and presents new solutions to the market.

If you are not an expert, we reveal some cosmetic myths so that you stop doubting their veracity.

What are cosmetics?

Cosmetics are products that are used to improve body hygiene and appearance. They are made up of chemical substances, which in some cases are extracted from natural sources. In other cases the chemicals are synthetic.

What are the cosmetic myths that are true?

1. Do the cosmetics have an expiration date?

cosmetic myths: expiration date

Yes! Although cosmetics have preservatives so that they last much longer, they do not last forever.

Even the expiration process can be advanced by exposing the product to air, sun or humidity, since it reduces the effect of preservatives. In addition, exposure to extreme temperatures can favor the appearance of microbacteria that rapidly deteriorate its components.

2. Are masks a shock treatment?

Yes. Thanks to its ingredients, when it comes into contact with the skin, it cleanses it  of excess oil and reduces sagging. They also add shine and luminosity to the face while relaxing it.

3. Is there a bio cosmetic?

cosmetic myths: bio cosmetics

Yes. These products are made from natural chemical substances and components. They are obtained from organic farming, where neither pesticides nor fertilizers are used.

In this type of cosmetics, the use of chemical preservatives such as parabens, silicone and animal raw materials is prohibited.  It is a more natural alternative.

4. Is nutricosmetics effective?

Yes, it is effective. By coming into contact with the deepest layers of the skin, these capsules visibly enhance beauty. In this way they also strengthen the defenses and an aesthetic result with more visible changes is obtained.

Each capsule has a specific function, you must choose the one that best suits your skin and needs. Before consuming them, you should go to the doctor. This will prevent damage or side effects on your skin.

5. Is it true that specific products work?

Cosmetic myths: it's true that specific products work

Today there are many multifunctional cosmetic products, that is, they act on various problems at the same time.

However, it is recommended to use a specific product for each problem. Its components are designed to  counteract specific skin problems and offer better results.


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