Essential Nutrients After 50 Years: Everything You Need To Know

From the age of 50, you have to increase the consumption of certain essential nutrients. At this point in life, a series of important changes take place in the body that can determine the functioning of many vital organs. To prevent chronic pathologies from developing, it is vital to take care of your diet.

Surely you already know that dietary requirements vary with the stages of life and habits. Athletes, for example, need a higher amount of carbohydrates than sedentary people. In the same way, the amount of nutrients that must be provided through diet is different between adulthood and in old age.

What are the essential nutrients after 50 years?

Next, you will discover which are those nutrients that you should pay special attention to, since a deficiency could affect your health. However, if you have any questions, consult your trusted nutritionist.


Calcium is an essential mineral for maintaining good bone health. Its intake has been shown to be capable of preventing bone fractures.  These can come to condition life after a certain age, which is why their consumption increases in importance with age.

However, this nutrient is much more important in women than in men. This is because, after menopause, they are more likely to develop osteoporosis  due to hormonal changes.

At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that vitamin D levels are adequate. This substance is responsible for maximizing the absorption of calcium at the intestinal level and thus allows it to reach the bone tissue where it must perform its function.

Calcium as a macromineral.

B12 vitamin

Vitamin B12 plays an important role in the differentiation of cells of the red blood series. Without it, a process of anemia would be generated that leads to a state of extreme fatigue and tiredness. This is evidenced by a study published in the journal The Medical Clinics of North America , where the name of “megaloblastic anemia” is attributed to this pathology.

It is vital from 50 to maximize the contribution of this nutrient, since developing a disease like this could negatively condition lifestyle habits. To ensure that the requirements are met, it is enough to include foods of animal origin in the diet on a regular basis.

Essential Nutrients After 50 Years: Protein

For many years it has been claimed that eating high amounts of protein could be detrimental to liver and kidney health. However, current evidence supports just the opposite.

From the age of 50, it is necessary to increase the consumption of these nutrients to be able to delay the loss of lean mass, as stated by research published in Nutrients . A contribution of 1.4 g of protein / kilogram of body weight / day could be optimal.

Keep in mind that the ingested proteins must be 50% of high biological value. This means that they must contain all the essential amino acids and a good digestibility value. It should be noted that those that come from animal foods have both characteristics.

Foods that you should consider in the diet after 50 years

Once the 50-year-old barrier has been broken, it is necessary to emphasize the presence of certain foods in the diet in order to avoid deficiencies that may affect health.

Meat and fish

Although from a certain age culinary tastes change and the preference for meat decreases, it is important to continue to maintain a high and regular intake of meat and fish. These products have high-quality proteins and essential micronutrients, such as iron, capable of avoiding situations of anemia.


The myth of eggs and cholesterol has already been demolished. These foods do not influence the body’s lipid profile or the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, at least not negatively.

In addition, they provide proteins and fats necessary to promote an adequate state of health. Finally, they contain vitamin D, a nutrient deficient in a large part of the population. We recommend that you consume at least 5 each week.

Do you keep the eggs in or out of the fridge?

Green leafy vegetables

Green leafy vegetables contain phytonutrients and vitamin C in their composition. Both elements are essential to ensure proper functioning of the physiological reactions that take place daily in the body.

This vitamin, for its part, is responsible for keeping the immune system in a competent state and thus prevents the development of different infectious pathologies.

Tips and aspects to consider for a good diet after 50 years

In addition to regularly including the foods listed, there are other strategies that can be used after age 50 to improve health.

Practice intermittent fasting

Fasting has been shown to reduce insulin resistance and improve the body composition of those who practice them. Although they are not suitable for everyone, a large percentage of the population can benefit from them. Of course, it is advisable to consult a professional before putting them into practice.

Melatonin supplements

Melatonin is a neurhormone that is synthesized in the pineal gland and that regulates sleep-wake cycles. From the age of 50, its production drops dramatically, which can affect the quality of rest.

To avoid such a situation, it can be ingested exogenously. A daily consumption of 1.8 milligrams of the substance 30 minutes before sleep helps reduce the number of interruptions in it. In addition, it acts as a powerful antioxidant, which is useful in reducing the incidence of complex pathologies.

Consume fermented foods

The intestinal microbiota also undergoes modifications over the years. The loss of biodiversity that is generated over time can alter digestive function.

For this reason, it is essential to regularly consume fermented dairy, such as yogurt or kefir . These have microorganisms capable of colonizing certain areas of the digestive tract  and therefore generate benefits on the health of the host.

Take care of your diet after 50 years

Food after 50 years

After passing the 50-year-old barrier, it is advisable to make certain dietary changes or, at least, pay special attention to some eating habits. The nutrients that we have mentioned are especially decisive from this moment on.

You must also include the commented foods on a regular basis. Finally, consider the inclusion of a melatonin supplement and a probiotic supplement to improve health.

If you have any further questions, remember that you can always consult with a nutrition professional to ensure that you are regularly consuming those essential nutrients after age 50.

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