Exercises To Lose Back Fat

To burn calories, it is essential to definitely abandon a sedentary lifestyle, adopt an exercise routine and other healthy lifestyle habits. With this, the back fat will decrease little by little.

Do you want to lose your back fat? In that case, the first thing you should know is that you have to definitely abandon sedentary lifestyle, adopt a more active and healthy lifestyle, and learn to maintain this over time so that you can always look and feel good, not just at an event. or a specific moment.

The accumulation of fat can be due to an inadequate diet, combined with other factors. Even according to research published by the Chilean Medical Journal in 2005, it even has genetic bases.

Routine to burn back fat and strengthen it

To eliminate that fat from the back, you must perform specific exercises that work that part of the body, but also the rest of the muscles. This is because, as detailed in a study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research , fat is not burned locally, but at a general level throughout the body.

This means that not because you exercise your back once a month you will be able to magically eliminate fat. On the other hand, you don’t have to do this on a daily basis either. Ideally, you should integrate it in a balanced way into a good training routine. Here are some exercises to help you lose fat in that area and thus maintain an active and healthy life.

Lumbar curl

Lie on your stomach and put your arms stretched out to the front or back. Without lifting your feet, arch your back by lifting it gently and return to the starting position. Perform 2 sets and 10 reps.

To do another variant of this exercise, stay in the same position, but this time place your hands on the back of your neck, lift your torso and return to the starting position. Do 2 sets of 15 repetitions of this work.


Do the same exercise as above, but this time arch your back to one side and then the other, as if you wanted to look to the right side and then to the left. Always keep the rest of the body straight.

Yoga cat pose

Now, you must put yourself in quadripod or in the position known as the “little dog.” Relax your back, arch it up as much as you can, and then push it down, as if you wanted to touch the floor with your abdomen.  Go up and down 5 times and then rest.

Don’t neglect weight training

A good fat burning plan should always include a little weight training routine. In this way, you will work the muscle mass and activate the metabolism to facilitate the elimination of fat, even while at rest. This is because, as a study published in the Journal of Obesity states .

All you need to do is include a little weight training every 2 days. You don’t need to lift an excessive weight; doing series of between 8 and 12 repetitions with a few kilos will be more than enough.

Do cardio intervals

Cardiovascular exercise raises your heart rate, helping you burn calories more easily. Include cardio intervals in your routine; In this way, you will facilitate the burning of fat in this and other areas of the body, as suggested by a study published by the International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism .

You can do exercises like running, jumping jacks, elliptical exercises, cycling, or jumping rope. There are many alternatives for all tastes!

Do sit-ups to remove back fat

Woman doing sit-ups at home.

Abdominal exercises, in addition to burning belly fat, also help eliminate lower back fat. Therefore, it is advisable to exercise the abdominal area, focusing on the oblique abdominals. You can do side planks and static oblique stretches in your strength routine, for example.

Practice swimming whenever you can

On the other hand, swimming is a very beneficial sport for the back. It is ideal to help you lose back fat and strengthen it at the same time.

Have you ever practiced it? If not, give it a try because it could bring you several benefits, in addition to helping you stay in shape. According to a study published by the Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness,  swimming helps reduce fat and body weight.

Recommendations for best results

If you are consistent with these exercises, you can achieve good results. In this sense, it is important that you set achievable short-term goals, as the small achievements you have made keep you motivated to advance even further.

Similarly, do not forget the importance of adopting and maintaining a balanced diet. It is good to choose a varied diet, with fresh foods, such as fruits and vegetables, and also foods rich in fiber and protein.

To conclude, remember that rest between sets is essential, as it serves to oxygenate the muscle fibers. In addition, this time will help us to recover and resume the exercise with strength and without generating overuse injuries.

The rest time varies depending on the objectives and the type of training we do. In this case, since the purpose is to lose localized fat in the back, you could rest a minute between sets to maintain a good heart rate. We advise you to consult with a physical activity professional to obtain better results and in a safer way.

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