Find Out Which Are The 4 Foods That Are Most Fattening

How healthy is your diet? To what extent is it helping you achieve your goal of losing weight and staying in good shape? On this occasion, we will talk about foods that you may not even suspect are fattening.

You are probably consuming them on a daily basis without knowing that they derail your efforts to lose weight. So that this does not happen to you, you must be aware of what you eat, its quality and its quantity. Find out below which are those foods that you should try to avoid, whenever possible.

1. Fruit juice

Juices and colored smoothies to cleanse the liver.

Do you usually choose fruit juice instead of soda because you think it is healthier? Unfortunately, juices are fattening. Not because it is healthier than soda does it mean that it does not gain weight. And both processed and natural juices are fattening, although the former are much more harmful. This is because commercials do not contain fiber in their composition, for this reason they induce less satiety, as stated in a study published in 2017.

In this sense, a study in postmenopausal women has shown that regular consumption of 100% natural juices increases weight. In total, 49,106 women were evaluated. To carry it out, data related to body mass index, age, lifestyle and changes in diet were taken into account.

The reason for this weight gain is due to the fact that the juice provides more sugar than fiber.

  • To avoid these alterations, it is advisable to also reduce the consumption of natural juices. When you want to eat something sweet, choose to eat the whole fruit.
  • If you want to have a sweet drink, mix the juice of a single piece of fruit with water without adding sweeteners. In this way, you will be able to reduce the amount of natural sugars that any fruit provides.

2. Red meats and sausages

Red meat and sausages are part of the list of the 4 foods that are most fattening. While it is true that they are rich sources of protein, they also provide trans fats derived from their cooking process at high temperatures. These fats create several problems.

Ground beef burgers.

The first is that they could increase blood cholesterol levels and thus promote the onset of cardiovascular diseases. In addition, the fats that these foods provide can accumulate quickly in certain areas of the body, such as the belly and legs.

In particular, you should avoid eating them fried. When you eat these types of foods, try to grill or sauté them. That is, choose a type of cooking that does not require adding more fat.

3. Processed cereals

Processed cereals are another of the foods that make you fat. Although we consume them thinking that they are very healthy, they constitute an obstacle when the purpose is to lose weight.

Processed cereals often contain large amounts of sugar, sweeteners, and fats. Consuming refined sugar seriously hampers weight loss processes, according to a study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

It is best to opt, then, for natural cereals such as oats, quinoa or wheat bran. When preparing them, you can make them accompanied by fruit, nuts or honey. Anyway, try to always be attentive to the amount you consume. Buckwheat is an excellent source of fiber for people with celiac disease.

4. Light products

Light soft drinks.

Ironically, and very contrary to what might be believed, light products are among the most fattening foods. In fact, when entering the supermarket, it is very common to find all kinds of offers in their normal and light versions .

We generally opt for the latter because, in theory, they are light, as the name seems to indicate. However, in most products called light , the reduction of other elements such as fat or sugar is usually compensated with sodium or sweeteners.

Ideally, eat normal foods in the right amounts. If you have doubts, go to a nutritionist to help you determine which foods you should prioritize eating and in what quantity you should eat.

Chances are, from that point on, you will spend significantly less money. Remember that light foods are usually more expensive because they require a more sophisticated preparation process.

Limit the consumption of foods that make you fat

Now that you know that these foods are also fattening, you just have to limit their consumption. As you can see, there are some alternatives that allow you to avoid them. We recommend doing it for your health.

And tell us: What are the foods you avoid? Which ones do you consume frequently? Did you already know that fruit juice, red meat, cold cuts, processed cereals and light products are fattening?

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