Foods That Make You Feel Tired

Intake of foods rich in fat also work as energy-depleting foods, since their composition is difficult to digest.

At some point during the day, you may feel an unexplained mental and physical exhaustion.  This may be due to your diet and daily diet, as there are foods that increase fatigue in people.

Foods rich in sugar, contrary to giving energy to the body as is mistakenly thought , deplete the body. This is because these foods are rapidly metabolized and large amounts of energy are invested in this process.

However, it is true that sugar gives our body an energy boost, but this boost is not long-lasting.

Foods that make you feel tired

Rich in fat


Eating fat makes you feel tired

Intake of high-fat foods also work as energy-depleting foods. Due to their composition, they are difficult to digest, therefore they do not provide more energy than they consume in their digestive process.

For this reason, the consumption of products with large amounts of fat can cause heaviness, slow digestion and fatigue shortly after ingestion.

There are various foods that are heavy for the body such as :

  • Turkey.
  • Milk.
  • Integral rice.
  • Vegetables.

The consumption of these products is important because they provide various nutrients to our body, however their consumption must be regulated.



Coffee.  one of the foods that makes you feel tired


Caffeine generates hyperactivity and alertness in the human brain.  Coffee is a stimulating drink and energetically activates the functions of the body, however its consumption cannot be abused.

Coffee can cause insomnia, which will cause constant exhaustion from not being able to have a balanced sleep with the activities of the next day. In the same way, there are studies that affirm that caffeine could also cause an exaggerated increase in sleep, which would also affect daily fatigue.

Lack of hydration

Tiredness can also be due to a lack of hydration, when little fluids are consumed during the day dehydration and therefore exhaustion occurs.

The main symptoms of fluid deficiency in the body is lack of concentration and headache, it should be noted that the best fluid for the proper functioning of the body is water.

Fast food consumption

The large consumption of foods with active chemicals can alter the balance of the body. In addition, it can cause fatigue and some long-term conditions.

Excess consumption of fast food such as hamburgers, hot dogs, pizzas, etc. and the ingestion of food in uncontrolled hours will produce negative effects in the organism.

For this reason, the body must be activated to improve these symptoms and with this generates greater energy consumption and exhaustion of the body.

Tips to eliminate the feeling of tiredness

keep your mind active

Eat healthy foods

  • The consumption of fruits and vegetables provides nutrients that provide the body with energy and well-being.
  • The whole grains provide the energy needed to start the day in the best way.
  • Walnuts, almonds and sesame offer the body a main source of energy, essential to remain alert. They also provide the concentration necessary to perform in daily tasks.

Good attitude towards life

An important point to stay animated throughout the day and eliminate any presence of fatigue is optimism. It is advisable to get up in the best spirit and not transform the routine, I would say, by altering the schedules.

Keep the senses active during the day listening to music, giving rest to the eyes by changing the image, activating the smell through strong smells like pepper.

Exercise and keep your mind active

Keep your body active and stimulate it through stretching and movement throughout the day. It is advisable to do physical exercise, trying to adapt a routine according to the schedule and daily tasks.

In case of not being able to perform physical exercise, practice a light physical activity such as avoiding the elevators giving way to the use of the stairs and trying to walk constantly.

Keep your mind active, reading and doing mental exercises.

Get enough rest

Adopt a proper sleep routine that allows you to rest and recharge at night. This way you can alleviate daily exhaustion and prepare to fulfill the functions of the next day.

Finally, try to eat a healthy diet that provides the body with the nutrients necessary for its proper functioning.

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