Fruits Suitable For Hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism occurs when the thyroid gland reduces its activity and produces fewer hormones. These thyroid hormones carry out several important functions, such as:

  • They regulate the metabolism.
  • They balance the growth and degree of functionality of the body’s systems.
  • They regulate the balance of calcium in the body.
  • They are necessary for the synthesis of proteins.
  • They have effects on almost every tissue in the body.
  • They influence the metabolism of lipids and carbohydrates.
  • They influence the body’s calorie burning.
  • They regulate the heartbeat.

Many people suffer from hypothyroidism or a thyroid that works slower than normal. All this causes a series of consequences that require specific treatment. A visit to a specialist is necessary if you are facing this condition.

Studies show that this condition can occur in both adults and adolescents without any type of restriction. Your diagnosis is more likely if you have type 2 diabetes.

We, for our part, tell you which fruits are the ones that can help you. It sure interests you.

What fruits can be good if I have hypothyroidism?

As you already know, the hormones of the thyroid gland, located in the front part of the neck, are in charge of regulating many important functions related to digestion and metabolism. some symptoms of hypothyroidism are:

  • Constant tiredness
  • Difficulties losing weight no matter how hard we try.
  • Have brittle hair or nails.
  • Feel the cold more than the heat.

The most common nutritional deficiency suffered in cases of hypothyroidism is a lack of iodine. This mineral is essential for our bones, teeth, for metabolism in general and for certain essential amino acids necessary for the production of hormones.

And there is something we should also know, it is said that hypothyroidism can be linked to stress. But how can it be? You will ask yourself. Because stress produces cortisol, and cortisol, in turn, inhibits the production of thyroid hormones. It is something to keep in mind.

Another factor to take into account is that the thyroid gland is very sensitive to toxins in the environment.

Industrial pollutants present in the air and water, ionizing radiation from microwaves, or other metals present in toothpaste or even in our pans when we cook, can damage our thyroid.

But let’s see now what fruits can help us.

1. Kiwis

Kiwi and lettuce

Kiwis are rich in vitamin E, essential for treating the thyroid, as they have an adequate liposolube vitamin with great antioxidant properties.

This element is also present in other foods that, therefore, will help you with this problem, such as:

  • Vegetable oils.
  • The nuts.
  • Hazelnuts
  • Almonds

Delicious, right? Kiwifruit is also a fruit full of vitamin C, which is wonderful for your health.

2. The avocado


Avocado is beneficial especially because it has vitamin B6, also known as pyridoxine.

The deficiency of this vitamin weakens us, causes us fatigue and depression, fragility of the hair and nails. By not having an adequate level of this nutrient in the body, our symptoms of hypothyroidism would rise.

It plays a vital role in many of the chemical reactions that take place in the body, such as the formation of red blood cells, essential for metabolizing food into energy.

  • Do not hesitate then, consume avocado whenever you can, in your salads, combine them for example with spinach and walnuts. It is a more than ideal way to take care of yourself.

    3. The banana

    How about we start the day with a banana and walnut smoothie? Delicious. Take it three times a week and you will get an ideal dose of potassium, iodine and tryptophan, ideal to lift our spirits.

    It is a complete food for, as we say, three breakfasts a week. You will get energy and an adequate dose of nutrients. But beware, it should not be abused.

    4. Apple and carrot juice for hypothyroidism


    Experts recommend combining these two foods for the best benefits.

    • The beta-carotene present in carrots, accompanied by the vitamins and minerals present in apples, stand out as a magnificent remedy with which to obtain nutrients for our hypothyroidism. And it is also very tasty.

    How about consuming this juice 10 minutes before your lunch?

    5. Strawberries help treat hypothyroidism

    They are rich and have in their juicy red heart, a whole treasure of antioxidants and vitamin B.

    But yes, take care that they are organic, the fresher and more natural the more beneficial. If they are grown in greenhouses, we will run the risk of containing toxins, those elements that can be even more harmful to the thyroid. Wash them well before consuming them.

    As we have mentioned before, it is always good to combine the fruits with each other to obtain greater benefit. So do not hesitate to make smoothies using the aforementioned fruits to treat hypothyroidism.

    You can combine strawberries with papayas and make a rich juice with them. And a very successful remedy is to prepare a strawberry water with an infusion of ginger. Combine everything well and consume it in the morning. You’ll love it!

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