How To Deal With The Fear Of Changing Jobs?

All changes are a complicated process to face in the first instance, taking into account that it is not easy to modify the habits that we have had for a long time. When we think that our employment may be compromised, it is normal to wonder what How to deal with the fear of changing jobs.

Some people become so accustomed to their place, to their colleagues and, in general terms, to the work environment, that later they it is unpleasant to think about the possibility of a job change . That is why it is important to remember that we all have the possibility to adapt to new circumstances.

I am afraid to change jobs: what can I do?

In the first place, it is essential to begin to change the perception of the things that we have. This means that we must understand that there is nothing in life that can last us forever. Everything has a beginning, a middle, and an end. Jobs are no exception to this rule.

This process of change of perception is not easy, because it confronts us with a reality that for us is unpleasant and we prefer to avoid it at all costs . However, when we manage to overcome the barrier of denial, things become more bearable and natural. We begin to see new possibilities in life.

It is not about always thinking that the possibility of losing your job is real and could touch us; that would represent an anxious state, the one that would make the situation worse. Ideally, keep your focus on the present, the here and now. For this, it is advisable to take care of the aspects that we can control.

There are things in life that are beyond our control. There is no one who is above that reality. What we must do is work on the aspects or situations that we can control and accept those things that do not depend on us .

Woman afraid of the job changes that are coming.

Anguish and anxiety about changing jobs

Anxiety is the natural response to the uncertainty of having to change jobs. Although some people experience anguish just thinking about that possibility.

Symptoms of anxiety can be emotional and physical. They range from ruminant (repetitive) thoughts to tachycardia (increased heart rate). Some other symptoms may be the following:

  • Need to do the perfect job every time (obsession).
  • Wanting to work more than you should (work addiction).
  • Excessive sweating in the hands and other parts of the body.
  • Tension headaches.
  • Intense and recurring feelings of guilt.
  • Experiencing the feeling that life is meaningless.
  • Trouble falling asleep at night.
  • Lack of sexual desire.

The presence of the exposed symptoms suggests that we are being victims of the fear of changing jobs , so it is advisable to learn to deal with this situation as soon as possible. Otherwise, it will affect the financial, family, personal and social area.

Although some people can overcome this type of distress on their own, in other cases psychological attention will be necessary to make an objective evaluation of the symptoms and establish the best approach. Anxiety should not be underestimated.

Fear of doing the job wrong

A fear that is related to changing jobs is the fear of misrepresenting the functions of the position we are occupying. In this way, a person can develop a catastrophic thinking pattern regarding their future in the job. The fear of not knowing how to do the job ends up limiting professional performance.

For example, someone who has doubts about their abilities might think that things are going to go wrong, even before they start the workday. This usually occurs when there are no adaptation periods that allow new employees to familiarize themselves with the position. Building trust is essential.

Regardless of the experience an employee may have, it is important that they receive induction when they are starting a new job. This process will help you bond with the new work environment, give you an idea of ​​what your routine will be like, and become familiar with some of your colleagues.

Feeling fear is a natural response of all human beings to certain situations. The healthiest thing is to understand what it is about and deal with it when it occurs.

4 tips to overcome the fear of changing jobs

Next we will see a list with some effective tips to overcome the fear of changing jobs. It is important to note that, despite following these recommendations, professional psychological support may be required.

1. Understand fear as a natural response

Being afraid does not represent weakness. Actually, it is an adaptive alert for conservation. If we weren’t afraid, we would be reckless people exposing themselves to unnecessary dangers.

2. Deal with intrusive thoughts

In general, fear is accompanied by anxious states and, in turn, anxiety is accompanied by intrusive thoughts. These are unpleasant thoughts that we cannot avoid. The best way to deal with them is to downplay them . Don’t try to force them out.

The more we try to get rid of them, the more importance we are giving it. The ideal is to accept that they are present, but that they do not adapt to the reality of things.

3. Improve your confidence

As we begin to value ourselves, we will gain in personal security. A good way to do this is to create the habit of giving ourselves encouragement in front of the mirror; It is a motivational exercise in which we will repeat positive phrases about ourselves every day.

Talk to the mirror to overcome the fear of changing jobs.

4. Seek positive self-talk

Self-talk is the internal conversation that we have with us. The confidence we can have will depend, to a large extent, on it. The healthiest thing is to learn to respond positively to catastrophic thoughts. This technique is widely used in the world of semi-professional and professional sports.

For example, if you are afraid that something is going wrong in your work, you can use self-talk to tell yourself that it doesn’t necessarily have to be this way. You can also remind yourself that you are well trained to do an excellent job.

The fear of changing jobs should not paralyze us

We must avoid being paralyzed by fear of changing jobs. Life goes on and we are able to adapt. We have enough tools to do it. You can consult a professional psychologist if you have fears that you recognize as unfounded or if you prefer a more accurate guide in the techniques that exist to overcome paralysis.

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