How To Face The Fear Of The Unknown And Overcome What Is Leaving

We are frequently exposed to different challenges and unforeseen situations. We do it almost instinctively to survive and learn from the process itself. Now, overcoming what is going to seem sometimes more complex. How to face this fear of the unknown?

That which previously defined us and made us happy does not always hold true. Because life brings changes and sometimes it takes what we want so much.

There is no choice but to assume that nothing remains, that we are brief travelers in a world that is transforming. Are you interested in delving into this idea? If so, keep reading. Here we share some reflections in this regard.

How to face the fear of the unknown and overcome what is leaving?

Often nobody explains to us that what we have and what makes us happy can no longer be there. People leave, leave us, say goodbye. The situations that bring us so much well-being also end …

In the midst of this continuous flow, change is a constant built into gears that don’t stop. And this is something that we learn over time: when we meet other friends, when we move to another city or when starting a new job.

What comes we take on with enthusiasm, but what goes away we perceive as a loss. We are afraid of that emptiness that remains and is unknown to us. However, there are some keys that are useful in this challenge. We tell you.

Saying goodbye is also growing

Saying goodbye in some cases means having to say goodbye to a loved one. Few pains are that intense. What aspects should be considered in this situation?

  • Any loss will force us to display that capacity for resilience that characterizes the human species.
  • Although we suffer, we have more resources than we think to be able to cope with these circumstances.
  • What is leaving leaves a void in the heart that is part of the life experience itself.
  • We will grow as people by assuming, accepting and facing such events.

The suffering will not be eternal

Assuming that this suffering will be temporary allows us to draw a more bearable horizon. Although at a given moment we feel overwhelmed and almost immobilized, the intensity of the pain will decrease with time and with the appropriate support.

  • We will evoke that person or those experiences that gave us so much happiness.
  • Now, a day will come when memory will no longer go hand in hand with such deep sorrow.
  • Focusing on positive experiences we had with someone can also help us to grieve.
  • Holding on to those negative emotions makes us victims of the past.

The new daily illusions when facing the fear of the unknown

We usually approach the difficulties that we encounter along the way with a certain dose of motivation and confidence. We trust ourselves. So why not use the same strategies in the face of what is leaving?

  • With an optimistic attitude, it will be easier for us to face the farewell with a certain breadth of vision.
  • We know that something dies within us, but we are also aware that we will succeed.
  • Despite what happened, we still deserve to be happy.
  • We are presented with the opportunity to create new interests and embrace other illusions.
  • In your heart will dwell the memory of what you loved so much. But now it’s time to breathe and keep moving forward.

Beyond fear

There are those who cannot get over the fact that someone abandoned or rejected them. He refuses to reconstruct history because he is still anchored to that past, to that person. Inadvertently, he becomes the victim of whoever left him behind.

The same is true in those other cases where we also experience a loss. The fear of the unknown abyss that opens before us paralyzes us. Thus, we try to recreate over and over again what has gone and is gone. Because we repeatedly look in the same direction, at the same hole.

But other projects await us if we focus our attention to a different side, the one that welcomes us in the present and tells us: “Walk!”

The first steps will cost, the pain will remain. As we move forward, the sensations will be different. Then, we will have dispelled the initial fears of what we did not know. Then, we will already be walking on the path of our own recovery …

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