How To Prepare A Special Beet Smoothie To Control Cholesterol

Cholesterol is one of the most important fats in the body, since it needs it for certain functions, however, if its levels are high, this could increase the risk of suffering from heart disease. As with other disorders, there are some foods that, combined with good health habits, could help improve this condition.

Next, we share more information about this condition and the step by step to make a beet smoothie, whose nutritional properties would favor the decomposition of this fat. Don’t hesitate to try it!

What is cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a waxy substance found in blood lipids. As we mentioned, the body, to a certain extent, needs it for the production of healthy cells.

According to the Spanish Heart Foundation, the main functions of cholesterol are as follows:

  • Form bile acids for the digestion of fats.
  • Transform the sun’s rays into vitamin D. In this way, the skin is protected and dehydration is avoided.
  • Form certain hormones, such as sex and thyroid hormones.

However, as a result of lack of control in its levels, fat deposits can form in the blood vessels. This condition, known in medical terms as hypercholesterolemia, interferes with the proper functioning of some vital organs, which considerably increases the risk of heart problems.

Although it can occur due to hereditary reasons, most of the time, it is the result of an unhealthy lifestyle, especially in what has to do with diet. For this reason, it is essential that the person improve their habits and include certain foods that promote their control naturally.

What are the consequences of having high cholesterol?


When a person has high cholesterol, they are exposed to some diseases, since this substance causes a blockage in the arteries, making the passage of blood flow through them more complicated.

Regarding this, a Cleveland Clinic publication suggests that some of the consequences of this lack of control are:

  • Coronary heart disease. When cholesterol is very high, it builds up on the walls of the arteries, reducing blood flow to the heart.
  • Stroke. This can happen when the blood supply to the brain decreases.
  • Peripheral arterial disease. In this disease, fatty deposits accumulate on the walls of the arteries and affect circulation, mainly in the legs and feet.
  • Type 2 diabetes . Diabetes can affect cholesterol, even if the blood level is good. In addition, people who suffer from it can have certain health problems that increase the possibility of developing arteriosclerosis.
  • High blood pressure. When the arteries are not working properly, the heart must work much harder to pump blood through them. This causes blood pressure to rise.

Risk factors for high cholesterol

The main problem with having high cholesterol is that there are usually no strong symptoms to identify it. Because of this, knowing the risk factors could help achieve a timely diagnosis. In them, according to a publication of the Mayo Clinic, the following are included:

  • Eating unhealthy foods that contain saturated and trans fats, and those that are high in cholesterol.
  • Obesity.
  • Do not do any physical activity.
  • Cigarette smoking.
  • Age.
  • Have diabetes

Why use beets to lower cholesterol?

Beetroot to lower cholesterol

Beetroot, also called beet, is a vegetable known in popular culture for its medicinal properties and, in the specific case of high cholesterol, it is believed that its contribution of fiber and antioxidant compounds would help break down fat.

Regarding this, a study published in Nutrients comments that the consumption of this vegetable could help control cardiovascular diseases, reduce blood pressure, attenuate inflammation and avoid oxidative stress.

How to prepare the beet smoothie?

Beet smoothie for cholesterol

The main ingredient in this smoothie is beets. However, we are also going to include other foods that could be suitable for regulating cholesterol levels.


  • 1 apple.
  • 1 beet root.
  • The juice of 2 oranges.
  • The juice of 1 lemon.


  • To start with, you must peel the apple and cut it into several pieces.
  • Then chop the beets into small cubes and reserve.
  • Next, cut the citrus fruits in half and extract the juice.
  • Incorporate all the ingredients in the blender and, if necessary, add a jet of water to facilitate its processing.
  • Finally, blend for a few minutes, until you get a homogeneous drink without lumps.

Consumption mode

The ideal is to take the freshly prepared smoothie, since it is the moment when it concentrates all its properties. Although it can be kept in the fridge, after a few hours it will have lost some of its nutrients. It can be taken on an empty stomach at least 3 times a week but, if the diagnosis of high cholesterol is recent, it is best to consume it every day, for 3 or 4 weeks in a row.

Its use is generally safe, however, beets contain oxalates that can cause complications in case of kidney stones. Therefore, it is not recommended for people with kidney disease.

Controlling high cholesterol is possible

Finally, it is important to remember that, although this smoothie can promote cholesterol control, it is essential that other healthy habits are adopted such as exercising regularly, eating well and avoiding high levels of stress.

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