How To Prepare Homemade Rinses To Take Care Of The Gums

We can prepare our own homemade rinses with natural ingredients and thus avoid possible chemicals that irritate us. We will also take advantage of its properties to also kill the bacteria that cause bad breath.

Oral hygiene is very important both for the care of the teeth and gums and for the general health of the body. So rinses should always be part of our hygiene routine.

In the mouth there are millions of bacteria that tend to proliferate when we give them the necessary conditions to survive.

As a consequence, we can develop an unsightly and unpleasant bacterial plaque that can cause us pain, inflammation and bad breath.

Worst of all, it can get worse if we don’t provide effective treatment as soon as possible.

Fortunately, you don’t have to spend too much on commercial rinses to tackle this problem.

With the mixture of some natural ingredients we can prepare our own mouthwashes at home to take care of oral health.

This time we are going to reveal the best recipes so you can start enjoying its properties.

Do you dare to prepare them?

Mint rinses

Peppermint essential oil

Peppermint mouthwash is a remedy with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that can fight infections that affect the gums.

Its use reduces bleeding gums and neutralizes bad breath.


  • Water (250 ml).
  • 6 drops of peppermint oil.
  • Vegetable glycerin (5 g).
  • Aloe juice (5 g).

How to prepare it?

  • Put all the ingredients in a container and make sure they are well mixed.
  • Gargle with the product and repeat after each brushing.
  • If you prefer, instead of peppermint oil you can prepare an infusion with the plant.

Herbal rinse

The combination of mint leaves with anise provides a rinse with antimicrobial and soothing properties that reduces inflammation and oral infection.

Like the previous product, it can be used against halitosis and the accumulation of dental plaque.


  • Water (250 ml).
  • Fresh mint (10 g).
  • Anise seeds (5 g).
  • Myrrh tincture (2 ml).

How to prepare it?

  • Heat the water and, when it comes to a boil, add the mint and anise seeds.
  • Let it rest until it cools down, pass it through a strainer and add the tincture of myrrh.
  • Use this remedy after brushing, twice a day.

Coconut oil rinse

Coconut oil rinse

Coconut oil will soothe inflamed gums and effectively kill bacteria that cause pain and bad breath.

This product has powerful antimicrobial substances that have been used for hundreds of years in what has to do with alternative medicine.

Another advantage of using it for oral health is that it relieves tooth sensitivity and reduces bleeding.


  • Coconut oil (15 g).
  • Water (100 ml).

How to prepare it?

  • Put a tablespoon of coconut oil in your mouth and swish for 10 minutes.
  • Make sure that the product is liquid so that you do not have difficulties with its use.
  • Avoid gargling to avoid swallowing it.
  • After the recommended time, finish by rinsing with half a glass of water.
  • Do this once a day.

Mint Baking Soda Rinse

Baking soda not only fights bacteria that inflame the gums, but it also neutralizes bad breath and possible infections.

In this case, we combine it with the refreshing power of mint to leave a greater sense of cleanliness.


  • Water (250 ml).
  • Baking soda (5 g).
  • Peppermint essential oils.

How to prepare it?

  • Put all the ingredients in a glass jar with a lid and shake before using.
  • Make several rinses with the product and spit it out.
  • Keep it in the glass jar so it keeps well.
  • Use it after every brushing.

Apple cider vinegar rinse

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a natural disinfectant that regulates oral pH to alter the environment that microorganisms need to grow.

This rinse takes advantage of these qualities and, additionally, eliminates halitosis.


  • Water (250 ml).
  • Apple cider vinegar (20 ml).

How to prepare it?

  • Dilute the apple cider vinegar in the water and rinse with the resulting liquid.
  • Repeat its use several times a day for optimal results.

If you use these natural rinses daily you can keep your mouth healthy and breath fresh. 

Best of all, they do not leave a burning sensation in the mouth and do not contain harsh chemicals with the environment.

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