How To Properly Care For Your Feet? These Are Its Secrets

Regardless of the time of year, we must pay attention to the feet and dedicate a few minutes a day to clean and hydrate them. We must also be very careful with the footwear we use.

The feet are one of the parts of the body that we tend to take less care of. In reality, we rarely care about them until they bother us in one way or another. Therefore, we invite you to ask yourself: do you know how to properly care for your feet?

In many places, pedicure services, beautifying cosmetic treatments and even massage sessions are offered exclusively for the feet that, although they are not bad from time to time, are not enough to give good care to this part of the body.

Adopting a good foot care routine is ideal. In this way we will keep them healthy, as well as they will look beautiful. For this, there are different remedies and tips are very easy to carry out.

Here are some tips to help you take care of your feet and keep them healthy. Put them into practice and you will see the results very soon.

1. Wear the right footwear

Wear comfortable shoes to take care of the health of your legs.

One of the most important recommendations when it comes to taking care of your feet is to wear suitable footwear every day. Many people do not usually worry about it, so they generally choose shoes that they should not wear (too high, tight, large, etc.) and therefore suffer various discomforts.

The best thing is to opt for a comfortable, wide footwear that therefore does not constrict the feet. It is also important not to abuse low-cost sneakers or sports shoes in general, since the materials with which they are usually made promote sweating and odor in some cases. Thus, it is recommended to alternate its use with casual shoes.

Nor should high heels or shoes be abused. This can cause serious damage to the heels and posture in general.

2. Choose the best socks

Although it may not seem like it, it is necessary to know how to choose the socks for daily use to take care of your feet. In this sense, tight or very tight garments that are made of synthetic materials, such as polyester, should be avoided. This type of material increases sweating and odor, which can promote fungus.

It is best to wear cotton socks, as this fabric facilitates perspiration and this helps the feet to be cooler, drier and breathe better.

3. Be careful when walking barefoot

Barefoot person stepping on a sticky floor.

To avoid injury and infection, it is not advisable to walk barefoot in public places. In fact, this is not recommended even in homes. It is better to use some type of footwear such as bathing sandals or slippers.

Another very common practice that is not good at all is bathing barefoot in public showers, swimming pools, etc. This can be very dangerous, since in some cases it causes the feet to suffer an infection or fungus. Dermatomycosis is especially common in summer.

Another aspect to take into account (even when it is evident) has to do with the toilet of the bathroom. It is important to keep it in good condition, but also to clean it thoroughly weekly, as well as to change towels, rugs and other items that are in contact with the skin.

Find out more:  Why do we always forget about foot health?

4. Avoid walking on certain surfaces

Contrary to the above, a highly recommended option is to go barefoot in the grass, sand or safe places. In this way, we will help the feet have better circulation, in addition to making them feel free and relaxed, without something oppressing them. Even some slightly rough surfaces can give us a pleasant sensation, as if it were a massage.

5. Give yourself massages and prepare foot baths

When you notice swollen or tired feet, there are various remedies that can help you get relief. Generally, it is said that it is best to soak your feet in warm or hot water mixed with chamomile or just a tablespoon of salt.

In addition to that, you can give light massages that will relax the feet, in addition to deflating them and making them look better.

6. Moisturize your feet regularly

After bathing (or before going to sleep) we should always apply moisturizing cream on all feet, including the sole. It is very important to apply a greater amount of cream on the heel, which is usually an area conducive to the appearance of hardness. Then, we will have to let the product dry and

On a day-to-day basis, depending on whether the feet are prone to sweating a lot or not, other products such as deodorants or powders can be used to refresh and keep the area dry. However, it is important not to abuse the latter, as they could make problems worse.

7. Take care of calluses and calluses

In the event that the feet have hardness, it is best to use a file or porous stone to help eliminate them. In fact, currently there are electrical products for sale that fulfill this task in the simplest way. It is enough to remember that when using them, care must be taken, since misuse can cause wounds or injuries.

8. Put insoles on the shoes you need

Insoles are also a great help when it comes to taking care of your feet. In addition to the fact that they can help correct posture, they prevent injury or discomfort. There are different quality and prices, so it is best to consult a specialist who will tell us which is the best for the case.

Note : You do not need to apply insoles to each and every pair of shoes, unless your doctor or podiatrist tells you otherwise.

9. Take care of your nails

Nails are a part of the feet to which we must also pay attention. They must be clean and short at all times. Otherwise, they can cause discomfort, sometimes preventing us from being able to walk quietly.

Trimming your nails periodically will prevent this, as well as giving your feet a better appearance.

Use the proper pedicure tools and avoid using objects that can cut yourself. Also, remember to disinfect the instruments well before and after each use.

10. Wash and dry your feet daily

As obvious as it may seem, it is necessary to make it clear: you have to wash your feet daily (in the shower) to prevent dirt from causing bad odors and other problems. To do this, it is best to opt for a neutral soap that does not cause dryness, but that does remove dirt completely.

Of course, in the end we must dry our feet very well with a towel and even leave them in the open air for a few minutes. In this way we will avoid the appearance of fungi. Always make sure to dry the spaces between your fingers well, as they are the area most prone to moisture accumulation.

By following all these tips, you will not only be able to take care of your feet on a daily basis, but also keep them healthy and beautiful.

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