How To Remove Wax Plugs Naturally?

Earwax is a natural substance that our body produces. An excess of earwax is what leads to the formation of the annoying wax plugs. This substance has an important barrier function preventing the entry of bacteria. It also acts as a lubricant, preventing dryness and itchiness.

Wax plugs formed by excess wax  can end up blocking the ear canal  and, therefore, affect our hearing, causing hearing loss or hearing loss.

Inadequate cleaning is, curiously, the main cause of the formation of wax plugs in the ear. An excess of soap as well as the use of cotton buds, can alter the natural cleaning process of the ear, generating an overproduction of wax.

ear wax plugs

Symptoms of ear wax plugs

The most common symptoms associated with the presence of wax plugs in the ears are:

  • Earache: Ear plugs can cause pain in the ear canal, which is where earwax collects. Normally, the discomfort is not very strong.
  • Autophony: When a person has wax plugs in their ears, they often seem to hear their own voice when they speak.
  • Tinnitus: they do not appear in all cases, but it is possible that earplugs generate annoying beeps, even the well-known tinnitus or tinnitus, even leading to dizziness.
  • Hearing loss: it is the symptom that will indicate that there are wax plugs in the ears. This hearing loss disappears the moment we remove the plug.

Natural medicine

In the popular sphere, a series of natural remedies are often recommended to remove wax plugs from the ears. However , it is best to consult with your doctor before using them, in order to avoid possible counterproductive reactions. 

drops to remove wax plugs

4. Echinacea infusion

If the wax plugs are associated with a cold, it can help us, take infusions of plants with antibiotic properties, such as echinacea, which can help us, although there are no scientific studies on this.

To prepare the infusion, we put a teaspoon of dried echinacea flowers in a cup of boiling water. We let it rest covered for ten minutes, after which we strain it and it will be ready to drink. It is advisable to take two or three infusions a day.

Avoid using swabs

For ear hygiene, it is not advisable to use swabs, as they can irritate the skin of the ear and cause other issues. Instead, the best option is to use ear drops, which help soften and loosen the earwax and take its natural course.

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