How To Use A Defibrillator In An Emergency

Knowing how to use a defibrillator can mean the difference between life and death. It is estimated that its use increases the chance of survival between 49% and 75%, if it occurs within five minutes after cardiac arrest.

Hence, it is very important to know how to use a defibrillator. Therefore, in this article we explain it to you. Keep reading!

A matter of life and death

It has been established that up to 85% of deaths from cardiac arrest are due to a failure of ventricular fibrillation. In other words, when an arrest of blood circulation takes place.

Therefore, if the patient is not treated quickly, he will undoubtedly pass away. And the best way to treat it is with a defibrillator.

Anyone can learn  to use a defibrillator. That is why today these types of devices are easily found in various spaces such as gyms, educational institutions and even in transport stations. In a moment we will see what a defibrillator is and how to use it.

What is a defibrillator and what can it do?

The defibrillator is a device that is used when someone suffers from cardiac arrest. Its function is to help recover vital signs through an electric shock. There are three types of defibrillators. These are:

  • Defibrillator monitor. It is used for therapeutic purposes. It can only be used by authorized health personnel.
  • AED or Automatic External Defibrillator. It can assess the heart rhythm, detect arrhythmias associated with defibrillation, and deliver electrical shocks to normalize the heart rhythm. Perform all of these actions automatically.
  • DESA or Semiautomatic External Defibrillator. It is similar to the previous one, but requires a person to manipulate the activation buttons.

    In principle, only trained personnel can use this type of device. However, in an emergency situation, any adult is allowed to use them if there are no medical personnel nearby. That is why we should all know how to use a defibrillator.

    Previous steps

    Previous steps

    The first thing to do when cardiac arrest is suspected is to stay calm. The most difficult part of the entire process is determining whether the patient requires defibrillation. Typically, the person faints suddenly. If that happens, there are logical steps to follow.

    • First, check if you really are unconscious. It is good to talk to him to see if he responds. Also try to wake her up by shaking her or yelling at her, unless it is a child who, in no case, should be shaken.
    • The next thing is to check if the person is breathing and if he has a pulse. If not, you should immediately call 911 or have someone else do it.
    • What follows is to perform CPR or CPR, while the defibrillator is ready.

    This maneuver consists of giving 30 cardiac compressions and then two mouth-to-mouth breaths. The latter should not last more than one second. The correct thing to do is to do 100 compressions per minute. As soon as possible, you should go to the DEA or DESA.

    How to use a defibrillator

    How to use a defibrillator

    In reality the defibrillator, especially if it is an AED, almost works by itself. You just have to have a few basic notions of how to use a defibrillator to use it.


    The first step is to verify that the person is not wet or in contact with water. Then the AED is turned on and it gives instructions on how to act.

    Then you have to leave the patient with a naked torso and remove any metallic objects that are in their body. The adhesive patches or electrodes are then placed on your chest. The machine will indicate where they should be placed. It is very important that there is absolutely nothing between these patches and the affected person’s skin.


    The following is press the “Scan” button ( Analyze ). The AED will make an assessment of the situation and indicate whether it is necessary to apply an electric shock or not.

    When the latter occurs, a ” No shock advised ” message will appear . In that case, they should continue to apply resuscitation maneuvers (CPR) until qualified help arrives.


    If, however, the recommended device to apply an electric shock, be pressed button “download” ( Shock ). If there are people nearby, ask them to leave at a safe distance.

    Then CPR should be applied for two minutes and the entire cycle should be repeated until the health personnel arrive. Obviously, if the person begins to breathe and regains consciousness, the use of the AED should also be discontinued.

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